“It’s okay bud,” he said.

“Mama?” His small voice rang out in the silence as he walked toward me.

“Hey, sweetie.” I opened my arms and gritted my teeth against the pain.

He stepped into them and I encircled him in my arms, he stayed still as if he knew not to make any sudden movements.

However much I liked to tell myself that he didn’t know what was going on, I knew deep down that he knew more than I thought he did. I think we both liked to pretend that we didn’t.

I closed my eye and breathed him in, just knowing that he was safe and in my arms relaxed me more.

“We staying here mama?” I pulled back and looked at him. His eyes shining, his face so confused. It broke my heart to see him like that.

I turned my head to Ty, he smiled at me, one of those huge full teeth smiles. Everything would be okay. It would take time, but things would work out. I hoped.

“Yes, sweetie. Is that okay?”

“Yeah. Can I still watch cartoons though?” he asked with a completely serious face. I laughed at that. I didn’t care about the pain I was feeling, it felt good to forget about everything else and concentrate on something different for a while.

“Depends,” Luke said from the doorway.

“On what?” Eli turned to him.

“If I can watch them too.” Luke lifted his lips at Eli, his eyes sparkling. It was strange to see Luke like this. Nice, but strange.

Eli looked back at me and raised his brows. “Can I watch them now mama?”

“You can if you want to sweetie” he nodded and went to move away from me.

“Love you mama” he said before he walked off to Luke.

“I love you too sweetie” I choked out.

“Want to go now?” Luke asked.

“Yeah, my favorite starts soon”

Luke looked at me, a question in his eyes.

“Bring him over to mine in a couple of hours” Ty said.

I watched as they walked out the room with Eli’s small hand wrapped in Luke’s.

“Will he be okay?” I asked Ty

“Yeah” he looked over my head, I knew that Evan was still standing there but I couldn’t bring myself to look at him.

“I’m sorry Kay” Evan whispered.

I nodded.

“I didn’t mean-”

“Evan.” Ty said and tilted his head to the door.

They both moved over to the door and Ty whispered something to Evan. He didn’t look happy and I wanted to say that it wasn’t Evans fault. He didn’t know that just by touching me I would freak out but I couldn’t bring myself to open my mouth.

“How you feeling?” Kitty asked. I moved my eyes from Ty and Evan to her.