It was something that he would do just to hurt me. He’d threatened me plenty of times with Eli but nothing ever came of it. If he got a hold of Eli there’d be no stopping him.

I couldn’t let that happen.

“He’s not to be released to his dad,” I gritted out. The more I talked the more my throat burned. I needed this conversation to be over.

“Has something happened that I’m not aware of?” she sounded concerned and although I really didn’t want to tell her what had just happened, I felt like I may have to.

I pushed the button to open the gates to the compound and drove through them.

“I really don’t want to discuss it over the phone right now,” I pulled up into my usual spot and turned the car off. “I really need you to do this Miss Cooper”

“As I’ve never met his father I wouldn’t release him anyway.” She said in a gentle voice.

“Okay,” I breathed. My whole body sagged now that I was behind the gates.

“Is everything okay?” she asked quietly.

I watched as Luke walked across the compound, he stopped when he saw me staring.

“It will be.” I said. “I’ll be in touch within the next hour to let you know who will pick Eli up.”

“It has to be someone I’ve met Miss Anderson.”

“Okay.” I replied and ended the call just as Luke was walking over to my car. I pushed my door open.

“You can’t phone Boss then put the phone down-” his eyes widened as I fell out of the car.

“Luke” I croaked. My voice was beyond hoarse now, it felt like it was on fire.

“What the-”

Luke stared at me in shock. His eyes wandered over my body and down to my leg. That seemed to bring him out of his trance, he shook his head then scooped me up.

I groaned at the pain in my ribs and rested my head against his shoulder. All I wanted was to go back to sleep, I was so tired. My eye was now swollen shut and it was taking great effort to keep the other one open.

“Open up!” Luke shouted when we got to the metal door, he turned and kicked it with the bottom of his boot a couple of times. The vibrations causing me to groan.

A minute later Evan opened the door with a cheeky grin on his face “Your muscles too big to even open a door now?”

“Move.” Luke grunted.

Evan looked up then, his eyes wide.

“Shit,” I heard the panic in Evans voice.

“Get Boss.” Luke said as he carried me into the warehouse.

He placed me down onto the table we use for meetings and crouched down next to me.

“What happened darlin’ ” his voice soft and not at all like the Luke that I knew.

“Where are you hurt?” he asked when I didn’t answer.

“Everywhere.” I croaked.

He stood and moved down to where I had tied the t-shirt around my leg, I winced as he pulled it off. I turned my head toward the office just as Ty and Evan were coming out.
