Sitting against the door to catch my breath I stared at Max. He lay there in a crumpled heap, looking like he wouldn’t hurt a fly. I scoffed at that.

I tore my gaze from him and folded the t-shirt up, it would do until I got somewhere that I was safe. I tied it around my thigh, the upside was that it was black so the blood wasn’t visible.

I took a deep breath and got onto my hands and knees my leg throbbing with the pressure, my ribs screamed. I gritted my teeth and pushed up, using the door knob to help me up.

My head spun, and for a second I was sure that I’d pass out.

My stomach dipped at the sound of Max’s groan, I looked back and saw him starting to stir. I didn’t waste any more time, I grabbed my keys, my belt still in my hands and limped down the hallway.

It wasn’t easy going down the stairs, I threw myself down them as fast as I possibly could checking behind me to see if he was coming. I said a silent thank you when I was out of the building and headed for my car.

I’d never been more grateful for double parking than I was in that moment.

I pushed the key into the lock, my hands shaking so bad that I missed it a couple of times before I finally got it in. I heard the building door squeak just as I was pulling the car door open.

My head shot up, I stared into Max’s eyes, his smirk told me that he thought he’d just won.

But I wasn’t going to let him, not this time. I pulled the door open and slumped into the seat sticking the key in the ignition, I flipped the locks on the doors and started the engine just as Max got to the door.

I didn’t look at him, or listen to what he was shouting through the window, instead I sped off.

The only thing on my mind was Eli. What if he tried to go and get him?

There was no way that I could turn up at the preschool like this.

I could barely breathe or walk. My jeans were soaked with blood, my ribs screaming every time I moved. I shouldn’t have been driving with only being able to see out of one eye but I didn’t have a choice.

I pulled my phone out and found the number for the preschool. Not even thinking about what I was doing.

“Hello, this is-”

“Hi, I need to talk to Miss Cooper.” I sounded like I had the worst sore throat. This conversation needed to happen, I didn’t care if it made my throat worse.

“Miss Cooper isn’t-”

I gritted my teeth as I stopped at the lights “It’s an emergency.”

I needed to speak to her. I needed her to keep Eli safe.

“I…I’ll go and see. Erm..who shall I say is calling?”

“Eli’s mom.” I huffed.

The light turned green, I’d automatically headed toward the compound. I knew that I’d be safe there. But it didn’t matter if I was safe if Eli wasn’t, he was all that mattered.

“Hello? This is Miss Cooper.”

“Hi” I breathed “This is Eli’s mom.”

“How can I help?”

“If Eli’s dad comes there to pick him up, don’t let Eli go with him”

There was a pause of silence, it was a strange request I knew that. I could almost hear the wheels turning in her head.

“I’m sorry Miss Anderson, I don’t understand.”

I pulled onto the private road that led to the compound and checked in my mirror. Max hadn’t followed me, it could only mean he was still at the apartment or on his way to get Eli.