Praying that he didn’t notice my arm making its way towards the only things that could help get me out of this situation.

He shuffled down my hips and onto my knees. I had more freedom now, it was a test. I could see the glint in his eyes, he was waiting for me to move.

He lifted his arm, I watched the knife lower to my stomach. I held my gasp in when the metal tip ran down my stomach.

“So, I’ve come to two conclusions,” he said and glanced up at me “You’re either fuckin’ someone or you went ahead and got a job.”

I stared right at him, knowing how much he hated when I did that.

“Answer me!” he roared when I stayed silent.


“Not that anyone would want to fuck you anyway,” he cackled “I mean, look at you.”

His arm lifted again, I prepared myself for the knife to plunge into me but it didn’t come.

“Either way you disobeyed me,” his eyes flashed as my fingertips touched the edge of my belt, stretching further I gripped one of the loops. Slowly trying not to gain his attention as I inched it closer.

I panicked as I struggled to open one of the pouches. Finally a loud pop in the kitchen alerted me that I was one step closer.

I paused peering up at him out of my better eye, I couldn’t tell if he had heard it or not. If he had then he wasn’t letting on, he was too focused on the knife. Trying to get a hold of whatever was in the pouch, I realized it was the baton. I could feel the heaviness in my hand, I wouldn’t be able to flip it open but I hoped that the handle would be heavy enough.

His eyes moved to mine as I started to raise my arm, a smirk crossing his face.

“And you need to be taught a lesson.”

Then I felt it; the sharp pain as he stuck the knife in my leg. I squealed as he pulled it back out, and felt the blood oozing out.

I hesitated with the baton.

He looked down to see his handy work, that was my opportunity so I took it and lifted my arm higher putting all of my weight behind it.

The chilling sound of metal on bone as it hit his head made me cringe, the vibrations spread up my arm causing me to drop it as I panicked. He stilled, his eyes wide.

Then he fell forward, his weight crushing me. The knife scattered along the floor.

The only thought running through my head?

I’m free.


I lay there for a few seconds, the adrenaline pumping through my body numbing the pain. I struggled to breath from the weight of Max and I needed to get out of there. I tried to push him off several times but he wouldn’t move.

My leg throbbed as I started to panic and I could feel the wetness from the blood as it soaked my jeans. Each time I tried to move and shove him off me my ribs screamed in agony.

I gritted my teeth, counted to three and put all the strength I had behind the next push.

His body finally rolled off me, his head lulled to the side. I stared at his face. With his eyes closed, he was completely defenseless and he looked like any other man.

Any normal man.

But I knew better than anyone what lurked beneath his fake exterior. Behind his handsome face and the show that he put on in front of people. Nobody knew him, he always wore a mask, only ever taking it off when he corrected me. I’d seen the evil behind his eyes today and I would never forget.

I reached for my belt and bato

n and started to crawl to the door. My work t-shirt lay in a crumpled heap on the floor so I pushed that along with the rest of the stuff.