I moved forward. I could do with a break, I reasoned with myself. Plus, I wanted to see what he was up to.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door.

“Where are we going?” I laughed, his excitement contagious.

“You’ll see.” He pulled his brows up and down, his teeth glinting with his wide smile, I giggled.

The sound was so foreign that even Evan stumbled a little. There was something about Evan that brought out the child in me.

I’d had to grow up so fast that sometimes I forgot that I was only twenty-two years old.

He pulled me over to his work station, I frowned. That’s what he was excited about? I walked past his collection of computer screens every day.

“I know what you’re thinking.” He nudged me into his chair and pulled out another one. “But you’re gonna love this.”

He clicked several buttons on the keyboard, then several screens flashed to life and voices came out of the speakers.

“What the-” My eyes widened.

“I know, cool right?” He could barely stay still he was that excited.

I stared at the screens.

Kitty and Luke.

“How are you seeing this?”

“Wouldn't you like to know.” He winked.

“Come on,” Kitty whined.


“If you had to kill one, torture the other and let another go”

“And who are the options?” Luke asked.

“Me, Evan and Kay”

I spun in my chair and stared at Evan with wide eyes. What the hell were they talking about?

“Let’s see,” Luke said. “I’d kill Evan.”


He groaned. “You never said I had to give reasons.”

“Well I changed the rules.” She shrugged and flipped her hair over her shoulder.

“Fine, I’d kill him because he’d be a squealer.”

“I know right?” She nodded. I looked at Evan to gage his reaction.

“I wouldn’t.” He shook his head. I smiled at him. “I swear I’d take it like a man.” He pulled his arms up and flexed his biceps. I snorted as he kissed them.

“I’d torture you.”
