The possibility of him getting hurt strangled me, the noose becoming tighter. The lump in my throat bigger.

“Kaylee?” Max called from inside the apartment.

“I…” I pointed back to the apartment. “Better go”

I spun around, headed back to the apartment. I’m about to open the door when she said, “I’m always here.” I turned back to her, “If you need to talk.”

“I know.” I nodded.

“Oh, and tell Eli the new episode is on today.”

“Okay.” I went through the door, closed it behind me and leaned back against it.

It wasn’t until then that I realized that I didn’t know what series she was talking about.

“Breakfast,” Max grunted from the kitchen.

I took a deep breath then pushed off the door.

Would it really hurt him to make his own?

I pushed that thought away as soon as it came. I needed to get back to my life and that meant doing as Max said. If he wanted breakfast, then he would get breakfast.


“Howzit, Kay?” Evan said as he bounced into the office Monday morning. He flopped down in the chair opposite me, a big grin spread across his face.

“Morning,” I huffed.

As mornings went, this one had been one of the worst. First I had woken up late, which meant that I had to rush to try and make it out the door on time. The more I rushed, the longer everything took.

We’d left late which meant Eli had missed his morning snack time. He cried and moaned that he wouldn’t be able to eat until lunch time so I’d stopped off at the shop to get him a snack to eat on the way.

Then he spilled his drink down him so we had to go back to get him changed which made us even later.

To top it all off, I got stuck in traffic on the way to the compound.

My first day after my trial period and I was late. Way to make a good impression.

I’d missed the morning meeting which meant I had to use Ty’s notes to type up and let me tell you they were absolutely no help whatsoever. His writing was barely legible.

Four files waited for me on my desk when I finally walked in. The office phone had rung so many times I was sure everyone knew what a bad day I was having. I wished I’d not said anything about the phone ringing the other day.

“You look stressed,” he said. I flicked my eyes to him and raised my brows.

“Yeah.” I snorted. “You could say that.”

I picked the finished files up from the desk and opened the filing cabinet. I’d finally caught up; it had taken me most of the day. Now I was counting down the hours until I could go to bed, sleep, and start fresh in the morning.

“You wanna blow off some steam?”

“Huh?” I turned back to him.

“Come on.” He s

tood and held his hand out to me. I stared at it, unsure. What were we going to do?

“Come on.” I looked back up to his face. He wore that signature Evan cheeky grin, one that told me he was about to do something that he shouldn’t.