‘Of course! I saw ‘im from the gallery earlier. If I’d been workin’ for a man who looks like that, I’d have seen to it that things “sort of happened” sooner or later, too.’

I threw her another glare, which she completely ignored. Instead of looking at me, she was staring into space, and had a contemplative expression on her face.

‘So, tell me,’ she mused. ‘What ‘ave ye done to catch ‘im?’

I blinked. ‘Catch him?’

‘Of course! God, are ye daft? Ye don’t let a man like that get away!’

‘You don’t?’

‘Of course not!’

I met her gaze, and as I did, I realised she was right. I didn’t want to let Rikkard Ambrose go. I didn’t know what I wanted from him, exactly, but I knew I couldn’t let anyone else have him. The mere thought made me want to strangle the world.

So…there was only one thing left to do: get him!

A tentative smile tugged at my lips. Who said it was only men who could chase women? I was a feminist! I could do anything I bloody well wanted. And I wanted him. He was mine! He just didn’t know it yet.

Squaring my shoulders, I leant towards my co-conspirator. ‘How do I catch him?’ I enquired. ‘With a net?’

She gave me a queer look. ‘Ye ain’t got much experience in chasin’ men, do ye?’

‘Of course I have! Plenty!’


‘In chasing them away,’ I admitted, grudgingly. ‘It always seemed the much more sensible option.’

She gave an evil little chuckle. ‘It is, mostly. But in this case…’

‘Yes.’ I sighed. ‘I know.’

‘Has he said anythin’ that tells ye he wants ye?’

‘Said anything? You do realise you’re talking about Mr Rikkard Ambrose, don’t you?’

‘Stubborn one, is he?’

‘You can say that again!’

‘Aye, well…’ Rubbing her hands, she, too, leant closer until we were huddled together, the perfect little feminine conspiracy, ready to take over the world. ‘We’ll have to do something about that, then, won’t we?’

Reaching into the bedside table, she pulled out a book with a plain black cover. When she let it fall open on her lap, I saw it was a book with illustrations. Lots of illustrations. And not the kind you’d find in children’s books.

I stared, my eyes going wide.

‘Good God! That man…is he…is that his? And how is he able to bend…? And her…Holy moly! She can’t really be…’

Amy grinned. ‘Practice makes perfect.’

I swallowed. She patted me on the back. ‘Listen up, and listen closely, because we ain’t got much time. I’m gonna tell you some things. And then, I’m gonna show you some things. And when ye and him are alone next time in a nice, quiet place…’ She winked. It was the lewdest and most brilliant gesture I had ever seen.

‘Then I cast my net?’ I guessed.

‘Ye won’t need one. The best way to catch a man is to make him want to get caught.’
