‘But you squash yourself into a corset to ‘ide yer boobies.’

‘Ehem. Yes. I suppose I do that.’

‘Bloody Christ!’ Leaning back, Amy waved at herself, as if she was in danger of fainting. ‘That’s just…well, I don’t know. I ain’t got no idea what to say.’

I grinned. I had to admit, I was a tiny little bit pleased. I had never been able to brag of my exploits before, mostly because if my aunt learned of them she would rip my head off and pickle it in vinegar. This unexpected chance to share my experiences with a fellow victim of the patriarchy did give me quite a little bit of an ego boost.

‘Wait!’ Snapping her fingers, Amy suddenly shot straight again. ‘Scratch that! I do know what to say! Bloody ‘ell, yes I do. Or rather, I know what to ask.’ She turned towards me with an evil grin. ‘Ye’ve left something out.’

I blinked at her. ‘I have?’

‘Ain’t no good playin’ the innocent with me, missy! I know all the dirty tricks. So, out with it! What’s goin’ on between the two of ye?’

I managed to blink at her innocently, while inside, my stomach did a somersault. ‘Going on? Why, he pays me for keeping his calendar in order, and filing his papers and-’

‘Don’t ye take me for a fool, missy!’ Amy grinned. ‘I know there’s bin more exchanged between the two of ye than files and folders! Ye’re sweet on ‘im.’

My ears heated. Damn! ‘No, I’m not! There’s nothing between us! Nothing!’


I cleared my throat. My ears grew even hotter. ‘Well…’

‘Ha! I knew it! Ye’ve got it bad!’

‘No need to overexaggerate. There might have been one or two instances…’

‘One or two?’

‘All right, maybe more than two.’

‘Or maybe more than a dozen?’

I sent her a stern look which she answered with a cheeky grin. ‘Instances of what, exactly?’

My eyes flicked to the door. Was it possible the madam could have had mercy on me and unlocked it by now?

Amy noticed the direction of my glance, and shook her head, her grin widening. ‘No chance, missy! Ye ain’t going nowhere before I know everythin’.’

My gaze was drawn to the window.

‘Don’t ye dare try!’ Amy threatened. ‘I’ll drag ye back by yer hair.’

I believed her. Damn!


‘Ha! I knew it.’



‘Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t plan to! Not at all. Rikkard Ambrose is the most disgustingly chauvinistic miser on the surface of this earth. I would never have…could never have…well…it just sort of…happened.’

Amy patted me on the shoulder. ‘No need to worry. I understand.’

My face brightened. ‘You do?’