Lady Caroline threw a look down at Mr Ambrose, who was currently galloping off into the woods at the head of the hunting party. It was an evaluating look. An is-he-worth-the-sheep’s-feet kind of look.

Apparently, she decided he was. I couldn’t blame her.

‘What about his preferences where ladies are concerned?’ Lady Caroline asked, cautiously. ‘What would be Mr Ambrose’s idea of the perfect woman?’

Me, you slimy, slithering snake in the grass.

But I didn’t say that out loud. Instead, I pasted a bright smile on my face and said: ‘Oh, I can tell you all about that, in detail!’

Her expression brightened. ‘You can?’

‘Yes. I clearly remember him expressing his views on the matter when the two of us went to this East End brothel together, and these three prostitutes came up to us- Lady Caroline? Lady Caroline, are you all right? Oh dear! Someone fetch smelling salts! I think Lady Caroline is feeling a little faint for some reason.’


After that nice little chat, Lady Caroline and her compatriots kept their distance from Mr Victor Linton for some reason.

All the better. I couldn’t waste a minute’s thought on them. Only two days were left before Christmas Eve. Soon, my true self would have to return to Battlewood for Lady Samantha’s big celebration, and, from the way Lord Dalgliesh’s eyes gleamed whenever I caught sight of him, he knew it. I had briefly considered just staying away - but if I did, Lord Dalgliesh might dispatch his agents to London. And if they got hold of my family…

I shuddered, cutting off the thought right there and then.

Miss Lillian Linton would have to reappear at Battlewood. But I would be safe, right? Mr Ambrose’s men would stand guard in front of my door day and night. Karim would accompany me wherever I went, and this time, I certainly wouldn’t try to object. But still…

This was Lord Daniel Eugene Dalgliesh we were talking about. A man who owned a subcontinent could do scary things.

‘Mr Linton?’

I looked up. I had been sitting at the desk in my room, aimlessly doodling nooses, knives and bullets on a scrap of paper when the familiar voice came from behind me. Mr Ambrose had stepped into the room, and I hadn’t even noticed.

Bloody hell, Lilly, you need to be more careful! What if it had been someone else?

‘Yes, Sir?’ Swiftly, I rose. I could tell from the look in his eyes that he was here for business.

‘Your sister will soon return.’

My sister? Hm…is someone in hearing distance?

Deciding it was best to be cautious, I gave the answer with which you could never go wrong with Mr Ambrose. ‘Yes, Sir.’

‘You and I are both aware of the danger she will be in. Of course, Karim will be on guard. But even he has to rest sometimes. During that time, someone else will have to watch her. I have sent word to the next big town to hire reinforcements, but for now, we will have to content ourselves with one of the four people among the staff who are in my employ. The men, preferably, since they are trained fighters.’

My inner feminist wanted instantly to make a comment - but, blast him, he was right. It was unlikely that a housemaid would be of much use against one of Lord Dalgliesh’s men.

‘I understand, Sir.’

He nodded briskly, and stepped to the door. ‘Come in.’

The door opened, and two men and two women stepped in. The women were housemaids, inconspicuous creatures who looked rather nervous to suddenly be embroiled in a cloak-and-dagger intrigue of this sort. As for the men, one was a young footman, who seemed to share the nervousness of his female counterparts, and the other -

I stared.


The venerable butler bowed as far as his paunch would allow. ‘Indeed, Sir.’

/> ‘You have fighting experience?’

‘Before entering domestic service I had the honour of serving with Her Majesty’s 7th Royal Fusiliers, Sir.’