‘Which means?’

‘We were tasked with safeguarding the Royal Artillery while on the move through enemy territory, Sir.’

‘What do you say, Mr Linton?’ Mr Ambrose’s voice was cool, almost disinterested, but there was something in there that caught my attention and held it tightly. ‘Will these people suffice to guard your sister? It is your decision.’

My decision.

Our eyes met.

He wants to reassure me, I realised. The clock is ticking. Soon, I’ll have to be myself again, and risk the danger. He wants to make sure that I’m not afraid.

Warmth blossomed in my chest. Another man might have given me a hug. Mr Rikkard Ambrose gave me a heavily armed escort.

Well, why not?

I directed my gaze to the younger man, who immediately stood straighter and met my eyes. He didn’t look quite so nervous anymore.

‘What about you?’

He snapped to attention. ‘Three years in the 1st King's Dragoon Guards, Sir.’

Hm. Well, I supposed what was good enough for a king was good enough for me. My gaze slid to the house maids. ‘I suppose it’s too much to hope that you two served in the army?’

One of the maids gave a nervous giggle. The other looked as if she were about ready to faint. I felt a sudden, violent surge of desire to see my best friend Patsy. She would have made a better bodyguard than anyone else.

Still… my eyes drifted back to the solid, dependable form of Hastings. There was something in his eyes, a hardness I hadn’t noticed before. Oh yes, no doubt: this man had been a soldier. And he was still ready to kill, if necessary.

I gave Mr Ambrose a nod.

‘They’ll do. And…’

‘Yes, Mr Linton?’

‘Thank you.’

Our eyes met again, and that brief look said more than a thousand words. That night I slept easily, secure in the knowledge that I would have someone reliable to watch my back.

I should have known it wouldn’t be so easy.

Early Christmas Present

‘She’s coming back! She’s coming back!’

I could hear Adaira’s excited cries even though the coach was still pretty far away from the manor house. When I had explained our little ruse to her, the youngest member of the Ambrose family had happily agreed to participate in a little playacting. By the sound of it, she was doing an excellent job.

Next to me, Karim scowled and gripped his sabre more tightly.

‘Relax,’ I told him. ‘As long as I’m guarded around the clock, what can Dalgliesh do?’

He gave me a stare that could have made any man quake in his boots.

How lucky for me that I’m not a man, then.

‘Dalgliesh is one man,’ he told me. ‘India is millions upon millions upon millions. And yet he rules with an iron fist. He is dangerous. He is ruthless. Do not let down your guard.’

I blinked. Was that…concern I had just heard in his voice? Surely not.

‘I won’t.’