Page 20 of His Forbidden Kiss


Justin focused on talking to Daniel and Jeff, letting Kim and Ali have as much privacy as possible given where they were. Ali had been a member of the club before he joined, and he’d seen her play a few times. She knew how to submit to a Dom and what kind of mindset was required during a scene. Hopefully, she’d be able to help Kim.


At the sound of Kim’s question, he shifted in his seat, giving her his full attention.

She leaned in, lowering her voice. “I need to use the bathroom.”

Pleased she’d asked before just walking off, he smiled and nodded his assent.

He watched as she and Ali strolled across the room to where the restrooms were located toward the back of the club. The skirt he’d chosen hugged her hips, framing her ass. Knowing she had nothing on under said skirt had him wanting to bend her over, lift the skirt, and take her from behind. It had been almost two hours since they’d come downstairs and his cock was itching to get inside her again.

“How are things going with the new sub?” Daniel asked. The older Dom had a lot more experience than Justin. He was in his fifties and had been in the lifestyle for over twenty years.

“As well as can be expected. She has a lot to learn, but she’ll get there.” Justin hoped, anyway.

“Ah, confidence. That’s good, but don’t get too cocky about it. She strikes me as being very stubborn.”

Justin snorted. “She is.”

Daniel nodded. “Ali will help her. She’s a good submissive.”

The pride in his voice piqued Justin’s interest. “I’ve never seen you and Ali play together.”

A solemn look took hold of the older Dom’s features. “No, we’ve never played together.”

Again, his tone had Justin wondering if maybe he was missing something, but he let it go. It wasn’t any of his business in any case. “Have you ever trained a new sub? One who was new to the lifestyle, I mean?”

Daniel nodded. “I have. It can require a lot of patience.”

“Can’t disagree with you there,” Justin said, remembering what happened earlier that afternoon.

Daniel grinned. “My best advice is to take it slow and don’t try and throw a lot of new things at her all at once. When you do a scene, pick one thing to test the waters on and keep consistent. It all comes down to building that trust. Once she can let go, everything else will fall into place.”

Very good advice and something he would have to keep in mind going forward. As much as he feared the reaction Mark, Davis, and Belinda would have to him and Kim being together, he wanted things between them to work. Which meant he had to take it slow. “Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.”

“I’m here if you have any specific questions. And there are a few other Doms who have experience with new subs as well I can recommend if you’d like another perspective.”

“I appreciate it.”

Kim and Ali headed toward them, and Justin stood. He was ready to go home. That little taste of her he’d gotten earlier wasn’t nearly enough.

He waited until Kim was within arm’s reach. “Say goodbye to Ali.”

She blinked up at him but turned and gave her friend a hug. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“You’d better.” Ali gave him a knowing look as she embraced Kim, but he ignored it.

Justin took hold of Kim’s hand, and they made their way to the foyer to get their coats. Given how little clothing she had on, he made sure she was buttoned up tight before they left the building. The temperature had taken a nosedive while they’d been inside the club. He felt her shiver as the wind zipped through the parking lot. He wrapped his arm around her, tucking her into his side as they rushed toward his car, trying to shield her from the wind as much as possible.

Once he’d helped her into the passenger seat, he reached into the back seat and grabbed the blanket he kept there for emergencies. It was as cold as everything else, but it would warm up quick enough. He unfolded it and draped it over her legs.

“Thanks.” Kim shoved her hands underneath the blanket and pulled it higher to wrap around her middle.

Happy she was as warm as he could get her for now, he jogged around the car and slid behind the wheel. He put the key in the ignition and the engine roared to life. The sound never failed to bring a smile to his face.

“What are you smiling about?” Kim asked as she huddled deeper under the blanket.

“Thinking about all the work I did on this car.”

“You’re smiling about work?”

Justin chuckled. “Yep.”

She was quiet for several minutes. “Was the car in really bad shape when you got it?”

He hadn’t thought she’d be interested. She’d never shown interest in cars before. But he had to admit it pleased him that she’d asked. “Yes and no. The body was in great shape, but under the hood was a nightmare.”

The temperature gauge was finally moving away from cold, so he turned the heater on full blast, hoping it would at least get the chill out of the car before they got back to his house. Warm air steamed out of the vents and Kim held her hands directly in front of one.

“Why was it a nightmare?”

He glanced over at her, and she genuinely looked interested. “The previous owner tried to soup up the engine.”

“I’m guessing he didn’t do it right?”

Justin snorted. To say he’d done a shitty job would be an understatement. “Not even close.”

She turned in her seat so she could face him. The car was warming up and she wasn’t shivering anymore. “He wanted you to fix it?”

“He did, but he underestimated what it would take. I think he almost had a heart attack when I gave him the price.” Justin recalled how the man had gone pale, then beat red. He really had thought he was going to have to call an ambulance for the guy.

“So what happened? How did you end up with it?”

Justin pulled into his driveway and turned off the car. “He didn’t like my price, but after taking it to ten other repair shops that refused to touch it, he didn’t have many options.”

“You offered to buy it from him.”

His girl was smart.

Justin blew out a breath. She wasn’t his girl. Not really. Not yet, anyway. They had to see if this could work first.

“Half the car would have to be taken apart, fixed, and then reassembled. It would take weeks, if not months to complete. The guy had already put a lot of money into the car and couldn’t plow that much more into it, so I made him an offer.” Justin ran a hand over the dashboard before reaching for the door handle. “One of the best business deals I’ve ever made.”

Hopping out of the vehicle, he went to help Kim, then escorted her to the door. He’d left a light on for them, but it didn’t do much considering how overcast it was. There was a storm moving in. They might even have snow on the ground come morning.

Letting them into the house, he removed his coat first before helping her. Kim rubbed her bare arms, trying to warm herself up. She was shivering again.

“Come here.” He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight against his chest.

She buried her face in the crook of his shoulder. Her nose was cold against his bare skin. “It wasn’t this cold when we left.”

“No, it wasn’t. It has to have dropped at least twenty degrees.”

Another ripple went through her body as she tried to suck up more of his heat.

Seeing how cold she was, his plans for her outfit were put on the back burner. “Let’s get you into bed. Then I’ll make sure you’re warmed up.”

She gazed up at him, a twinkle in her eyes. “Promise?”

Justin chuckled and pressed his lips to hers for a brief kiss. “Promise.”

They were almost to his bedroom when his phone dinged, letting him know he had a new message. He ignored it and led her into his room. It was the first time she’d been there since the morning after their night together. Memories of her in his bed had lingered for weeks.

Pulling her into his arms once more, he covered her mouth with his in a lingering kiss. “Do what you need to do in the bathroom.”

She nodded, then disappeared into the adjoining room.

Digging out his phone, he checked to see who’d messaged him.

Still on for tomorrow night? - Mark

All the conflicting feelings he had about what he was doing with Kim came to the surface again. How hard was it going to be to sit across from his best friend and not mention the fact that he was involved with his sister? Mark loved to talk about women, especially when he was drinking. Even though he didn’t understand Justin’s lifestyle, he was always asking about the women Justin dated. The problem was, Justin couldn’t tell Mark anything this time.

For a moment, he thought about canceling, but then another wave of guilt hit. If this thing with Kim worked out, he couldn’t hide from his best friend forever.

Yep. See you at 5. - Justin

He heard the shower turn on and thoughts of Kim naked and wet pushed all thoughts of Mark and the potential fallout from his mind. Leaving his phone on the dresser, he removed his clothes and headed into the bathroom.

Steam was already filling up the room when he let himself inside. Kim’s head was tilted back as water streamed down her body. His cock stood at attention, aching to be inside her again.

Snatching a condom from the drawer next to the sink, he made his way to the shower and slid open the glass door.

Kim startled when she heard the shower door. She hadn’t heard him come into the room.

He placed something on the ledge, then backed her against the wall. The cool tiles were a sharp contrast to the water that had been spraying on her a moment before. “Hi.”

His body was flush against her and she could feel him hard against her stomach. “Feeling warmer now?”

Heat that had nothing to do with the shower took over. “Yes.”

She’d barely gotten her answer out when his mouth descended, cutting off anything else she was going to say. He took control of the kiss, leaving her no doubt as to who was in charge.

Fingers slid into the wet heat between her legs. “Have you ever fucked in a shower before?”

His lips moved down to her neck, licking and sucking on her skin and sending her heart racing. She held tight to his shoulders. “No. I’ve never—”

Justin plunged two fingers into her pussy. He wasn’t gentle about it, but for some reason that turned her on more. “Hmm. You like that, don’t you?”

There was no reason to deny it. He could feel how wet she was. “Yes.”

He added a third finger and positioned his thumb so it was bumping her clit with every upward thrust. She found herself pushing against his hand, trying to get more friction. Her orgasm was building, but it wasn’t quite enough to push her over the edge. She needed more. “More. Please.”

“Please what?” He didn’t even sound winded.

How could he not know what she meant?

Then she realized her error. “Please, Sir, I need more. I want to come, but I need more.”

Instead of giving her more, he pulled his fingers from her pussy. She didn’t have time to protest, though, before he lifted her off her feet and placed her on the opposite side of the shower. Turning her around, facing away from him, he pressed on her back. “Bend over and put your hands on the seat.”

There was a small bench built into the shower on the opposite side of the showerhead. Her hands were barely on the seat when she felt his hands on her hips. He lifted her up again and used his feet to spread her legs. She felt a little like a rag doll.

His hands left her body for several moments and she heard him moving around behind her. But before she could get too worried, he was back and this time it wasn’t his fingers that were pressing against her sex.

Her eyes rolled back in her head as his length entered her, sending ripples of heat radiating through her body. He lined himself up and thrust into her with enough force that she almost lost her balance. She readjusted her stance and prepared to meet every one of his thrusts.

He wrapped one arm around her waist, using that as leverage to drive deeper, harder, into her. With his free hand, he reached down and pinched her nipple, sending sparks directly to her pussy. Her climax was It wouldn’t take much more to send her flying. Without thinking, she lifted one hand to rub her clit, needing release.

“Don’t you dare touch your clit. Your orgasms belong to me. I decide when you come.” He landed a firm smack on her ass.

Even though it hurt, it did nothing to calm her need to come. She was too far gone. If anything, his words had made it worse. Her entire body felt as if it were on fire.

Justin didn’t relent. She had no clue how long he continued to pump in and out of her before he finally snaked a hand between her legs and gave her the release she was so desperate for. Her scream echoed inside the confined space, leaving her feeling spent.

He held on to her as she caught her breath. Her body felt as if it were vibrating and she wasn’t sure she could walk or not.

“Sit down while I clean up.” He helped her to turn around and made sure she wasn’t going to dissolve into a puddle on the floor before stepping out of the shower to dispose of the condom.

Kim rested her head against the side of the shower. She could still feel him between her legs and yet felt the emptiness of him not being inside her anymore at the same time.

When he returned, he knelt in front of her and waited for her to meet his gaze. “How are you feeling?”

“Like someone just pounded my insides.”

Justin released something between a laugh and a snort. He stood, lifting her up with him. She fell into him with an omph.

“Think you can walk, or do I need to carry you?” he asked.

That was a good question. She eased away from him, taking a tentative step to the side, and nearly fell on her face.

The next thing Kim knew, her feet were no longer on the ground. She clung to his neck as he carried her out of the shower and placed her on top of the vanity. He left her for no more than a second to grab a towel. She went to take it, but he ignored her and began drying her off himself.

“I can dry myself, you know?”

One side of his mouth lifted in a sexy smirk, but he didn’t comment.

Once he’d wiped all the water from her body, he began working on her hair. He took his time, running his fingers through the strands and gathering any excess moisture into the towel. She let her eyes drift closed as he touched her. Never in all her fantasies over the years did she think she’d be sitting on Justin’s bathroom counter while he took care of her like this.

With her body and mind slowly coming down from their high, she was getting sleepy. All she wanted to do was curl up in his very comfortable bed and fall asleep.

“Put your arms around my neck.”

As soon as she wrapped her arms around him, he lifted her from the counter. Kim rested her head on his shoulder. A drop of water dripped from his hair onto his neck and she stuck out her tongue to lick it up.

Justin groaned. “Behave yourself.”

“Can’t help it.” The words were mumbled, but it was the best she could manage.

He adjusted his hold on her, then she was being laid on the bed. When she didn’t release her hold on him, he chuckled. “You can let go now.”

“K.” She let her arms fall to the bed, rolled over onto her side, and sighed as he pulled the covers over her.

Moments later, she felt the mattress dip as Justin climbed in beside her. He gathered her into his arms, tucking her into his side. She rested her head on his shoulder again, letting her nose graze his collarbone.

“Comfortable?” His chest vibrated under her cheek.

Kim felt his lips brush her forehead. “Hmm. Very.” She was warm. She was comfortable. And most of all, she felt content.