Page 21 of His Forbidden Kiss


Something warm against Justin’s chest woke him the next morning. He’d been in such a deep sleep, he didn’t register at first what it was, only that it felt good. But as the sleepy fog cleared, he realized someone was kissing their way down his chest, lower to his abdomen. Memories of the night before flooded his mind and his cock stood ready to continue where they’d left off.

She was heading south and he had no notion to stop her. Waking up to Kim in his bed was something he’d only dreamed about. The reality was proving better than any fantasy and he planned to take advantage of it. He laced his fingers through her hair, encouraging her to keep going to where he was aching for her.

Knowing he was awake, she scooted farther down the bed, her mouth hovering over his cock. She hesitated and glanced up to meet his gaze. “May I, Sir?”

He was pleased she’d asked permission. “Yes, you may. But don’t make me come.”

Her brow furrowed a little, then her eyes glazed over a bit, understanding that this was only the prelude. She was going to find out the benefits of not running from his bed first thing in the morning.

Kim’s lips circled the head of his cock, licking the bead of pre-cum from the tip. He couldn’t stop the groan that escaped at the feel of her tongue. If he’d thought he craved her before, it was nothing compared to now.

Justin closed his eyes as she sucked him in, using her mouth to pleasure him to the point where he wanted to explode. But coming down her throat wasn’t what he had in mind. As great as her mouth felt, he wanted her hot little pussy wrapped around him, milking him dry.

Taking her by the shoulders, he hauled her up the length of his body and tossed her onto the bed beside him. She giggled as she landed on the mattress. “Did I do a good job sucking your cock, Sir?”

There was a twinkle in her eyes that he loved. And hearing her calling him Sir pulled at something deep within him. “You did a very good job sucking my cock, baby, and now I’m going to reward you by fucking you and making you come.”

Her eyes darkened and a sound he could only describe as a purr emerged from her throat. “Yes, please.”

Reaching over to the nightstand, he opened the drawer and grabbed a condom. She spread her legs wide, inviting him in as he rolled the protection down his length, and the sight of her sex open and wet beckoning him almost made him come all on its own.

He fell forward, bracing himself with one arm while he guided his erection to her entrance. “Wrap your legs around me.”

She circled her legs around his waist and threaded her hands behind his head. He tilted his hips forward, sinking into her warmth. She was a little tight, probably because it was morning, but after a few shallow thrusts, she opened up to him and he sank into her balls deep.

Her breasts jiggled as he pumped his hips, pressing her into the bed. It was mesmerizing watching her hard nipples dance to the rhythm he set.

Unable to resist, he dipped his head down to capture one of the taut buds into his mouth. She released a contented sigh as he suckled her breast. Her head was thrown back and her eyes were closed. He could feel her nails as they dug into his scalp. The sensation sent shots of electricity to his cock and he knew he wasn’t going to last much longer.

Taking hold of one of her hands, he brought it between them, guiding her to where they were joined. “Touch yourself.”

She complied instantly, probably needing to come as badly as he did.

Justin sucked in a breath as her fingers brushed against his erection and he gave up on holding back. He rocked his hips faster...harder, picking up the pace.

Kim’s eyes flew open and she began rubbing her clit in time with his thrusts. She lifted her hips, meeting his downward strokes with an upward one of her own. He knew she was close. So was he. The pressure building in his balls was about to explode.

“Come.” He spoke the word a moment before he bit down on her nipple, sending a shot of pain through her already sensitive breasts.

It did exactly what he’d hoped. A spasm went through her body a moment before she let out a delicious scream. She rode out her orgasm as he drove into her until his own climax took hold.

He tumbled beside her on the bed, pulling her to onto her side. “You all right?”

Kim laughed. “I don’t know.”

“Broke you, did I?” He smiled. “How’s your breast?”

Glancing down, she inspected her abused nipple. “Doesn’t look like you broke the skin. I think I’ll survive.”

“A very good thing as I have plans for these beautiful tits of yours.” He placed a gentle kiss on the red marks surrounding her nipple.

“Well, if they lead to more orgasms like that one, I won’t object.” She tucked her hands under her head. “I’ve never had so many powerful orgasms before.”

“You like a little pain with your sex.”

Kim frowned. “That sounds like it should be a bad thing.”

Justin rested his hand on her hip, unable to keep from touching her. “Not at all. It’s perfectly normal. Ask the submissives in your group today.”

“That’s different. They’re into kinky stuff.”

Justin’s grin grew bigger. “Baby, I hate to break it to you, but so are you.”

She was quiet for a few moments and he wondered what was going on in her mind. “I guess that’s true, but I’m not sure I’m a very good submissive.”

He’d been waiting for the right time to talk about last night. Ideally, they wouldn’t be lying in bed naked, but he wasn’t willing to let the moment pass. She wanted to talk, so they’d talk. “What makes you say that?”

“The submissives at the club seem so...submissive.” He was about to point out the irony in that statement but remained quiet as she continued. “I mean, I know Ali isn’t most of the time, but there she’s different. And it isn’t just her. All I have to do is watch someone for a few minutes and I can tell if they’re a Dom or a sub in the way they interact with people.” Kim sighed. “I’m just not sure I can do that.”

“So you’re not sure you can defer to your Dom?” He paused. “To me?” He tried not to let disappointment take over his thoughts. She was new to this and it would take time for her to figure it out. Heaven knew it had taken him a while to find his feet.

“I don’t know.” She met his gaze, sadness in her eyes. “I want to, but I’m afraid I’ll disappoint you.”

He ran a hand down the side of her face and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “Remember what I said last night about trust?”

She nodded.

“At the heart of it, that’s what this lifestyle is. Trust. You don’t have to trust every Dom you meet. You don’t have to obey every Dom, either. But the connection you have with the one you choose to be your Dom should allow you to feel comfortable enough to give up control.”

“What if I can’t?” Her question was honest, and knowing her like he did, he could understand her concern.

“Let’s just take one step at a time, okay?” She looked skeptical, but that was Kim. She liked to have a plan. “We agreed to give it a try for a month, right?”

She nodded. “I need to get out of my own head.”

Justin placed a soft kiss on her lips. “Yes, you do. We’re going to work on that.”

A spark came into her eyes again, giving him hope. “I hope you know what you’re in for.”

He chuckled. “Oh, I think I have an idea.” Palming her backside, he gave it a light slap. “I just hope your ass doesn’t end up permanently red in the process.”

She playfully pushed at his chest. “Sadist.”

Justin laughed. He rolled away from her and tossed the covers off them both. “Come on, let’s get some breakfast. I need to replenish my energy before I turn you over my knee again.”

Kim picked up his pillow and threw it at him.

He caught it, threw it onto the floor, and reached for her. Her feet hit the floor for less than a second before he was slinging her over his shoulder, fireman style.

With her ass right in his face, he gave it another firm tap. “I thought I told you to behave.”

Her response was to give his backside a slap right back.

He’d never had such a spunky submissive before, but he had to admit a part of him was looking forward to the challenge.

After picking her up, Justin carried her into the bathroom and set her on her feet. “Get dressed while I make us some food.” He gave her a hard kiss, then turned on his heel and left her alone.

Kim blew out a loud breath and took a moment to center herself. So much had happened within the last twenty-four hours. She was in a D/s relationship with Justin. It may not last for more than a month, but their talk this morning had helped. Ali told her last night that Justin was really good with submissives, and that he’d help her get over her issues with giving up control.

Actually, what she said was that he’d help Kim get over her fear of giving up control.

At first, she’d balked at Ali’s assertion. Kim wasn’t afraid. She’d joined Serpent’s Kiss, hadn’t she?

But the more Kim thought about it, the more she knew Ali was right. Kim had learned early in her career to be assertive and to go after what she wanted. If she didn’t, then someone else was going to get there first. She’d never be where she was at her job if she hadn’t put her head down, worked her butt off, and made her intentions clear that she’d wanted the VP position.

That didn’t mean she loved being in control of everything, though, did it? Especially when it came to sex, she liked when Justin took control. She liked that she didn’t have to think of what would happen next. Or if she should move into a different position.

Kim did her business, washed her face, brushed her teeth, and dug out another one of Justin’s shirts from the drawer. She debated throwing on a pair of his boxer briefs but decided against it. He seemed to like her without panties.

His back was to her when she strolled into the kitchen. The room smelled like bacon and her tummy rumbled in response. She’d worked up an appetite.

Walking up behind him, she circled her arms around his waist, resting her cheek on his back and taking in his scent. “Smells good.”

Justin turned and circled his arms around her. “Stole another one of my shirts, I see.” His hands went directly to her bottom and he groaned. “No underwear.”

His response thrilled her. “I got the impression you liked it when I was missing that particular item of clothing.”

“Hmm,” he said, lowering his head to capture her mouth with his. “That I do.”

The kiss was way too short, but she understood. He didn’t want the food to burn. “Anything I can do to help?” she asked.

“You can set the table and get the milk and juice out of the fridge.” He flipped the pancakes. “The food’s almost done.”

As she hurried to get the plates and silverware onto the table, Kim realized she was beginning to enjoy the feeling of not wearing any panties. At least, when she was in private with Justin nearby. She liked that at any time he could bend her over a chair and take her.

It was strange. She’d never had those kinds of thoughts before with a boyfriend. Of course, most of her boyfriends were rather docile compared to Justin, especially in the sexual aspect of their relationships. That is, if they got that far.

Yep, her sex life before Justin was rather boring.

“Watch yourself,” Justin said as he brought the skillet of eggs over to the table and spooned a large portion onto each of their plates.


He smiled, then made his way back to the stove to get the bacon and pancakes.

Everything tasted really good. She wasn’t sure if that meant he was that good of a cook or if she was just that hungry. Either way, she was halfway through her plate of food before she came up for air. “Thanks for making breakfast.”

His gaze raked over her from head to toe, lingering on her bare legs peeking out from the end of his long shirt. “I need to keep you fed, now, don’t I?”

Heat rushed to her cheeks as a surge of feminine power flowed through her. No underwear was definitely the right decision.

They finished up their breakfast and loaded the dishwasher before heading back to his room to get dressed. In hindsight, that might not have been the best decision as they ended up back where they his bed.

By the time they’d both showered and dressed, it was close to noon. “I should get back home and throw in a load of laundry before I have to pick up Ali.”

“You’re going to the submissive meeting today at Beth’s Café?”

“Yeah.” Kim grabbed her purse and placed it over her shoulder. “Ali thinks it would be good for me to talk to other submissives.”

“It will be.” Justin took hold of both her hands. “Remember, they’ve all been in your position at one time.”

She blew out a breath and went to change the subject. “How is this thing with us going to work? I mean, I figure I’ll see you on weekends at the club, but—”

“If you think I’m going to go a week without seeing you, you’re crazy.”

Warmth bloomed in her chest. She knew he’d agreed to give this thing between them a go for a month, but they hadn’t really discussed what all that would entail outside of her being his submissive. “What did you have in mind?”

“Well,” he said as he pulled her against his chest, “I thought maybe I could pick you up tomorrow night and we could go out to dinner.”

“A date?”

“A date.” He cupped her face and gave her a lingering kiss. “How does seven o’clock sound?”

Her happiness was dashed as soon as it came. “What if someone sees us?” The chances of them running into her brother while they were out to dinner were slim, but that didn’t mean they wouldn’t see someone they knew and it would get back to Mark.

“I told you before. I’m not going to hide you like a dirty secret, and I meant it.”

She pressed her lips together and met his gaze. “I thought we were keeping things between us for a month.”

He didn’t answer right away, but he didn’t let her go either. “I’m meeting your brother at O’Brien’s tonight.”

Kim took hold of his wrist and gave it a squeeze. She was asking him to keep a secret from his best friend. He’d agreed to it, but she also understood the dilemma he was facing. She’d gone through something similar when she hadn’t shared with Ali that she’d slept with Justin. It had created some awkward moments and a lot of internal arguments with herself. Finally telling Ali had lifted a huge weight off her shoulders.

But things with Mark were different and both Justin and Kim knew it. The fact that Mark knew about Justin’s preferences when it came to sex complicated things. How would her brother react to finding out Justin and Kim were an item?

She honestly didn’t know.

“Your monthly hangout?” she asked.


Kim waited for him to say something more, but he didn’t. “You could cancel. Tell him something came up.”

Justin shook his head. “Then I’d feel like even more of an asshole than I already do.”

She furrowed her brow and scrunched up her nose. “Why do you feel like an asshole?”

“Because I’m fucking my best friend’s sister.”

Dropping her hands, she took a step back and he let his hands drop to his sides. “Have you changed your mind?”

The next thing she knew, she was pressed against a wall and being kissed to within an inch of her life. Kim clung to him, meeting the caress of his tongue with one of her own.

By the time they came up for air, her chest was heaving with each breath she took. She could feel him hard against her stomach, leaving her no doubt that he wanted her.

“Does that answer your question?” His voice was husky and deep. It sent delicious shivers down her spine.

She licked her lips and his gaze followed the movement.

“I’ll pick you up tomorrow at seven. Dress in something comfortable.”

“I have to work on Tuesday,” she whispered against his lips.

“Mmm. So do I.” His mouth descended again and she could already feel her body softening for him again. All thoughts of Mark pushed from her mind.

By the time he dropped her off at her house, her body was humming again. If not for the fact that she’d promised Ali she’d pick her up for the submissive meeting, Kim would have gladly spent the entire day in bed with Justin.