Gabriel lifted his daughter and gazed into her big blue eyes. “Daddy will buy you a better bunny.”

Clare laughed.

Chapter Thirty-Two

Come take a walk with me,” Gabriel whispered.

Julia was standing in the kitchen, holding Clare, having just finished clearing the table. She noticed that Gabriel was holding a familiar-looking blanket.

She looked out the kitchen windows over the back deck and toward the old orchard that stood behind the house. The orchard was one of Gabriel’s favorite places on earth. And in its center was a clearing he revered like a cathedral.

They’d spent their first night together, chastely, in that orchard, years ago when she was a teenager. Gabriel had asked her to marry him in that same sacred place. And they’d made love there once or twice. Or more. She’d lost count.

Gabriel’s eyes were solemn. Something lurked beneath their sapphire depths.

“I need to help clean up.” Julia gestured at the pots and pans and dishes that were stacked all over the counters.

“We’ve got it.” Rachel made a shooing motion with the dish towel she was holding. “Go.”

“Go ahead.” Richard nodded. “Most of the dishes will go in the dishwasher.”

Julia bounced Clare in her arms, making eye contact with Gabriel.

“We’ll help when we come back,” he offered.

“And I can take the baby.” Tammy held her arms out and Julia transferred Clare to her.

Tammy hugged the child close. “I’ve missed having a baby. I can’t wait to have another one.”

“What?” Scott came up behind her, touching Clare’s head.

“I miss having a baby.” Tammy’s expression grew hopeful.

“You never said anything,” Scott whispered, touching her face. He leaned forward and whispered something in her ear.

“So yeah, you guys can go for a walk.” Rachel lifted her voice, trying to draw attention away from the private exchange between Scott and Tammy.

“Are you sure?” Julia asked.

“Go.” Once again, Rachel waved her dish towel like a flag.

“I left my coat in the car,” Julia said to Gabriel.

“One minute.” He kissed her cheek and disappeared out the front door.

As he walked to the SUV that was parked in the driveway, he felt something eerie behind him. He turned his head slowly and saw a black Nissan idling three houses down, across the street.

Gabriel examined the car out of the corner of his eye. When he was satisfied it matched the car he’d seen in Cambridge, he calmly walked the length of the driveway to the old garage and opened the door.

No more than thirty seconds later, he emerged from the garage carrying an aluminum baseball bat.

He broke into a run as soon as his feet hit the sidewalk, sprinting toward the black Nissan.

The driver revved the engine and peeled out, leaving tire marks on the asphalt.

Gabriel switched the bat to his other hand and picked up a large rock. He threw it hard. The rock hit the car’s rear window, shattering it on impact.

The car swerved as the glass spilled out over the trunk and onto the road.