He pushed back his chair. “Let’s toast to Aaron and Rachel. Congratulations on your accomplishments. And good luck with this new chapter of your life.”

Everyone lifted their glass to toast the couple.

Richard finished carving and serving the turkey and finally sat down.

Julia sampled three or four bites of her dinner, and Clare began to cry.

“I’ll walk with her.” Rachel lifted the baby to her shoulder and stood.

But a few minutes later, when the baby didn’t settle, Julia intervened. “She’s probably hungry. I’ll take her upstairs to feed her and be right back. Excuse me, everyone.”

She kissed Clare on the cheek and climbed the stairs to the second floor.

* * *

“Is dinner over?” Julia asked Gabriel as he entered the master bedroom.

He shook his head. “We are going to wait to serve dessert until after you have dinner. Is she finished?”

“Just finished.” Julia handed him the baby and he put her over his shoulder.

After he’d burped and changed her, he picked up a stuffed rabbit toy and brought it close to her nose and then withdrew it. Clare grinned and waved her arms and legs. He repeated the movement. “Do you like the bunny, Clare? Do you like the bunny?”

He waggled the toy at Julia. “Did Rachel buy this?”

“No. Paul sent it.”

Gabriel dropped the bunny on top of the changing table. “Angelfucker.”

“Language,” Julia admonished him, trying to keep a straight face.

“We’ll have to destroy it. It’s clearly contaminated.” Gabriel regarded the toy with distaste.

“Don’t be ridiculous. About a week ago, Paul sent a very nice card, with the bunny and a copy of The Velveteen Rabbit. I thought it was kind.”

Gabriel sniffed. “He always had a rabbit fetish. In fact, he used to call you Rabbit.”

“He did.” Julia could only laugh at Gabriel’s indignation, which was rather amusing. “He doesn’t anymore. So when we see him at Professor Wodehouse’s workshop in April, you don’t need to worry.”

Gabriel growled. “So he’s going?”

“He said so in his card.”

“Which was addressed to you, I imagine?” Gabriel picked up the bunny with two fingers, examining it as if it held the secrets of the universe.

Clare tracked the movement and reacted by waving her arms enthusiastically.

“The package was addressed to Clare. But the card congratulated both of us.” Julia crossed to where Gabriel was standing and hugged him around the waist. “It’s time for you to let go of the past. You’ve held a grudge long enough.”

“I was nice to Paul the last time we met. We even shook hands.” Gabriel placed the bunny on Clare’s chest to see what she would do. The toy slid off to the side and she squawked a little.

“You’re still making him call you Professor Emerson.”

Gabriel drew himself up to his full height. “I am Professor Emerson.” He glanced over at the baby. His expression softened. “Since Clare has grown attached to the rabbit, I suppose she should keep it.”

Julia hugged him again. “See? That didn’t hurt at all.”

She kissed his cheek and exited the bedroom, hurrying down the hall so she could finally enjoy her Thanksgiving dinner.