“I’m taking her to the hospital,” Gabriel announced. “But before we go, you should know that I think someone else was out there. I chased them but couldn’t find them.”

“Me and Scott can go outside and look around,” Aaron said.

“Also, keep an eye out for a black Nissan with tinted windows. I saw the same car outside our house in Cambridge and down the street before we went for our walk.”

“You never told me,” Julia whispered. Her eyes met Gabriel’s and he looked away.

“Let me get some ice.” Richard opened the freezer and removed a tray of ice cubes. He placed the ice in a freezer bag, sealed it, and wrapped it in a towel.

Julia took the ice pack gratefully.

“Did you get a license plate?” Scott asked.

“No visible license plate.”

“Should we call the police?” Rachel interjected.

“We seem to have cops here every Thanksgiving.” Scott crossed his arms over his chest.

Gabriel stopped in front of him. “Julianne’s ex-boyfriend attacked her in her own home three years ago. A strange car sat outside our house in Cambridge on two separate occasions and then miraculously shows up in this neighborhood, on Thanksgiving. What do you want to say to me, Scott?”

Scott uncrossed his arms. “Was it Simon?”

“I don’t know.” Gabriel clenched his jaw.

A long look passed between the two brothers. Scott gestured to the door. “I’ll take a look around with Aaron. If we see anything, we’ll call you.”

“What about the baby?” Julia managed to say, wincing in pain.

Gabriel was still for a moment. “Rachel?”

Rachel pushed past Scott. “I’ll get the diaper bag. Tammy, can you put Clare in her baby carrier? We don’t know how long Julia will be at the hospital and the baby will need to be fed.”

“Thank you.” Gabriel turned and carried Julianne out to the car.

A few minutes later Richard followed, carrying Clare.

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Later that evening

Sunbury, Pennsylvania

Gabriel approached Richard, who was rocking Clare in her car seat in the waiting room of the hospital.

Richard stood, his gaze focusing on his son. “What did the doctor say?”

“She thinks Julianne’s ankle is broken. They’re sending her for X-rays. I was not allowed to accompany her.” Gabriel sounded bitter.

Richard continued rocking the baby, who, on hearing her father’s voice, turned her head in order to look at him. “Emergency room physicians have to investigate all options when it comes to a suspicious injury.”

“Suspicious?” Gabriel’s dark brows knitted together. “What are you talking about?”

“A new mother comes to the ER and claims to have fallen. She is accompanied by an agitated husband who doesn’t want his wife to be alone with the physician on call.”

“That’s preposterous.” Gabriel swore. “I simply wanted to help. Julia has a medical chart at this hospital, because she’s been here before. We’ve all been to this hospital. Grace used to volunteer here.”

“I know,” Richard said softly, a faraway expression on his face. “This is where Grace found you.”