Gabriel hid his reaction by removing Clare from her baby carrier and cuddling her against his shoulder.

“You and I were here with Julia once before. Think about the circumstances surrounding that visit.” Richard gave Gabriel a meaningful look.

A flash of recognition passed across Gabriel’s features.

Richard continued. “A good physician would review Julia’s chart and see that the last time she was here, she was treated for injuries related to a physical assault. Now she appears with a baby, having fallen during a walk through the woods. At night. With her husband, who appears agitated. Wouldn’t you be suspicious?”

Gabriel nodded.

“Let the doctors do their job.” Richard rubbed his chin. “Did you speak with the police?”

“No, but Scott called. He and Aaron combed the woods with flashlights. They didn’t see anything. But I think we’re going to take another look in daylight.” Gabriel kissed the side of Clare’s head. “I called Jack Mitchell.”


“I gave Jack the description of the car and asked him to find it. Tonight is an escalation . . .” Gabriel shook his head.

“Tell me what you think is happening.”

“It can’t be a coincidence that the same car is driving by our house in Cambridge and then shows up in Selinsgrove. A casual acquaintance or student wouldn’t know about your house. We have different names. Only someone connected with either me or Julianne or both would know we would be here. The only person in that category who would want to harm us is Simon Talbot, Julianne’s ex-boyfriend.”

“Has she heard from him?”

“No. I haven’t asked anyone to keep tabs because I thought we were rid of him. Jack said he’d look into it.”

“But you didn’t tell her about the suspicious car while you were in Cambridge.”

Gabriel stiffened. “No.”

Richard touched his son’s shoulder. “I know you need to reloc

ate to Edinburgh for your lectureship, and that Julia may have to stay at Harvard. I will move to Cambridge to stay with your family while you’re gone, if my presence would be helpful.”

Gabriel’s gaze slid to his adoptive father. “You’d give up your teaching at Susquehanna? You’d leave the house?”

“I’m emeritus. I can take a year off and go back the following year. I could try to get a visiting research appointment in Boston or Cambridge. And I’ll tell Grace where I’m going so she can find me in your guest room.” Richard’s tone was light.

“Thank you.”

Richard retrieved a toy rabbit from the baby carrier. Clare made a noise and reached for the rabbit.

“Of course, it sounds like your sister and Aaron would like to move in with you, at least until they find a house.”

“I haven’t had the chance to discuss that with Julianne. But I have no intention of leaving my family behind when I go to Scotland.” Gabriel’s tone was firm.

Richard nodded, electing not to press his son on how, exactly, he was going to carry out his intention.

Chapter Thirty-Nine

What’s taking so long?” Gabriel jostled a crying Clare but she would not be soothed. “We’ve been here for hours.”

Richard stood. “I can ask at the front desk.”

“No, I’ll go.” Gabriel brought Clare to the desk and explained that he needed to locate Julianne as soon as possible. A few minutes later, a nurse emerged from the hallway and ushered Gabriel and Clare to one of the examination rooms.

“The neurologist is just finishing.” The nurse knocked on the door.

Before Gabriel could ask why Julianne was seeing a neurologist, the door swung inward. Julianne sat in a chair, her left ankle wrapped in a tensor bandage. A pair of crutches stood next to her chair.