Gabriel’s eyes reflected understanding. “It’s difficult for me to stand by and do nothing.”

“You aren’t doing nothing.” Julia’s whisper grew fierce. “You’re supporting me.”

“I just love you so desperately.” Gabriel lowered his head and tugged on her lower lip. He spread his lips across hers, firmly and with intention.

His hands parted her coat and lifted her sweater, spanning her waist and stroking the bare skin with his thumbs.

Julia made a noise and they parted. “Here? Now?”

“I want you.” Gabriel’s eyes shone with desire. “Right here and right now.”

Her hands lifted to his shoulder and she caressed his neck as their mouths joined once again. Their lower limbs tangled with one another.

Above them, the moon hid behind a cloud and darkness became emboldened. Gabriel seized that opportunity to flick open the button on Julia’s jeans and rest his hand across her abdomen, avoiding her scar.

She fluttere

d beneath him.

His lips found her neck in the dark, trailing kisses up and down her throat. He worshipped the indentation at the base of her throat and ascended to the space behind her ear. “What do you want?”

“I want you to touch me.” She covered his hand with hers and inched his farther down, retreating when he dipped below her underwear.

His fingers caressed her before passing between her legs.

He kissed the expanse of skin above her breasts before unbuttoning her shirt with one hand. With practiced ease he continued to embrace her with his lips, while his long fingers sought their prize.

He lowered her bra, exposing her breast to the night air. His mouth descended, kissing around the nipple while stroking her below.

“It’s all right,” she encouraged him, applying light pressure to the back of his head. “I’m not overly sensitive tonight.”

He chuckled against her skin, for her eagerness pleased him. Experimentally, he licked her nipple. It constricted in the cool November air. Then his warm mouth engulfed her, licking and gently teasing.

Julia lifted her hips as a strangled moan escaped her chest. She was trying to be quiet.

“You can be loud,” he encouraged her, taking her nipple into his mouth once again. “We have more privacy here than at the house.”

She gave voice to her pleas, begging him to taste her other breast and lifting her hips as he stroked between her legs.

“Do you want to come?” he rasped, paying homage to her other nipple.

“I want to come with you inside me.” The confession had scarcely left her mouth when he was tugging down her jeans and removing his own.

The voyeuristic moon shone, giving light to Gabriel’s endeavors. He took one of her hands in his, resting it beside her head.

He cupped her opposite hip and separated her legs more widely. His hips nested with hers.

Gabriel’s eyes measured hers as he pressed forward. Again, with the practiced ease born of lovers who’d coupled to infinity, he slid inside.

Julia moaned.

“I want you to move.” Gabriel’s speech was terse, clipped. He seemed overwhelmed, holding himself still over her.

Julia did as she was bidden, lifting her hips and gripping his backside to urge him deeper.

Gabriel watched. Then he captured her mouth, kissing her deeply. “You arouse and delight me.”

“Good,” she managed to say, lifting her hips once again.