Gabriel looked back at the stars. “I enjoy studying Dante. This is a chance for me to work something out.”


“About Dante and Beatrice. I feel as if Dante is hiding something in The Divine Comedy—that he isn’t telling us the whole story.”

“The whole story about what?”

“They marry other people. He’s devastated when Beatrice dies and resolves to become a better man. He writes poems in tribute to her. But then he admits to having strayed from the right path at the middle of his life, and Beatrice tells Virgil Dante did so out of fear.”

“So far, so good.”

“Indeed. But there’s the passage in Purgatorio where Beatrice scolds him about other women. He admits his guilt, bathes in the river of forgetfulness, and then the theological virtues declare him faithful to Beatrice.”

Gabriel turned on his side to look at Julianne. “Faithless, faithful. He can’t be both at the same time.”

“No, he can’t. That was the demon’s point when he described Guido da Montefeltro’s sin.”

“So which is it, Beatrice?” Gabriel whispered. “Faithless or faithful?”

“Dante always writes with more than one meaning. I don’t think Beatrice is just talking about Dante’s devotion to her. She’s talking about God.”

“That’s right.”

“Dante admits his guilt—both at the beginning of the Inferno and when he feels shame in front of Beatrice.”


“I don’t understand how Beatrice can be so forgiving at the beginning of the Inferno, when she says Dante is trapped by fear and she begs Virgil to help him, and then so condemning in Purgatorio.”

“I don’t, either. But I’m hoping to figure it out.”

“You’ll have to do some detective work, but it sounds like fun. You have a year to prepare your lectures.”

“Yes.” With his other hand, Gabriel reached over to touch Julia’s face. “You define love for me. And I believe Beatrice defined love for Dante, which is why I think we’re missing part of their story.”

“Grief clouds the mind,” Julia said gently. “Look at my father. I don’t think he would ever have gotten involved with someone like Deb Lundy if he hadn’t been so messed up after my mother died.”

“That’s true.”

“Your sister is having a hard time right now. Much as I think it’s hilarious she believes Katherine is Wonder Woman, her pairing of Katherine with Richard is ridiculous.”

“Ridiculous is a bit strong, don’t you think?” Gabriel’s tone was grave. “Wonder Woman can have her choice of partners at any age.”

Julia struck Gabriel playfully in the chest. “It’s the costume. It does things to people.”

“It does indeed.” Gabriel captured her wrist, his voice growing husky. “Which raises the question, why didn’t you dress up for me for Halloween?”

“Buy me the costume, and help me get a good night’s sleep, and I’ll dress up for you anytime.”

Gabriel moved closer to Julia on the blanket, wrapping his arm around her waist. “I’ll hold you to that.”


Gabriel chuckled and his smile widened. “How fortunate I am to have married my Beatrice and to be lying by her side.”

He kissed her reverently, pressing his lips to hers. When he lifted his head, he stared down into her eyes. “You can’t fault me for wanting to do everything within my power to protect you. And to take you and Clare with me to Scotland.”

“Of course I can’t fault you.” Julia reached up to twine her fingers in his hair. “We want the same thing. But my situation at Harvard is precarious.”