“Tell my brother I’m kidding. Dad doesn’t even know how to text,” Rachel said gloomily. “Hey, I know. Why don’t we set Dad up with Katherine?”
Julia silently stared at her phone. “Do you know how old Katherine is?”
“Well, she’s much older than Richard.”
“Yeah, well, Wonder Woman was much older than Steve Trevor. It worked for them.”
“Let me speak to her.” Gabriel exchanged Clare for Julia’s cell phone.
“It’s me,” he announced. “Why are you asking about Rebecca and Richard?”
“It was just a question,” Rachel backpedaled meekly. “I was wondering if things were . . . progressing.”
“They went to dinner.”
“So they went on a date a
fter Aaron and I left.”
Gabriel lifted his face to the sky, as if seeking divine intervention. “Although neither of them informed me as to the correct adjective to describe their dinner, I can tell you it wasn’t a date.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I know Richard,” Gabriel sounded impatient. “Which raises the question, why are you asking me and not your father?”
Rachel was silent for a moment. “He’s your father, too.”
“I repeat the question.”
Julia tapped his arm and glared at him.
He shrugged and she gave him a scolding look in return.
Gabriel pursed his lips. “I don’t mean to be—unsympathetic.”
Julia widened her eyes.
“How are you feeling, Rachel?” He gave Julia a look as if to say See? I can be sensitive.
“I’m okay. I just don’t want to be blindsided, you know? In case Dad decides to invite Rebecca home for Thanksgiving.”
“That won’t happen,” Gabriel said firmly. “Rebecca has already booked her flight to Colorado to see her son. She’s spending Thanksgiving and Christmas with her children and never even mentioned the possibility of visiting Selinsgrove.”
“Okay.” Rachel sounded relieved.
“You need to talk to Richard.” Gabriel lowered his voice.
“All right. Aaron just got home. I have to go. Tell Jules and Clare I love them and send me pictures of her costume.”
Gabriel’s lips turned up. “I will. She looks great.”
“Bye, Gabriel.” Rachel ended the call.
Julia’s gaze met Gabriel’s. “What was that all about?”
“She’s jumping to conclusions because she’s too stubborn to speak to Richard directly.” Gabriel handed Julia the bag of candy they’d been collecting and took Clare into his arms. “Come on, pumpkin. There are more neighbors to meet.”