“I texted her about what happened with Cecilia.” At this Gabriel glowered. “We’ve been playing phone tag.”

A moment later, Julia’s phone rang. She hung back on the sidewalk while Gabriel carried Clare to their neighbor Leslie’s front door.

“Jules! What’s Clare wearing?” Rachel’s voice was exuberant, which made Julia relax. The last time they’d seen one another, Rachel had been very unhappy.

“She’s dressed as a pumpkin. We took a lot of pictures. I’ll email them to you.” Julia watched as Leslie opened her door and reacted with delight at the sight of Gabriel and his baby. Julia placed Rachel on speakerphone so she could discreetly take photos of her family.

“Good,” said Rachel. “Listen, I’m sorry I didn’t call you when you told me what went down with your supervisor. How are you feeling?”

Julia calculated her words carefully. She explained about Gabriel’s lectureship and their difference of opinion as to what to do about Cecilia.

Rachel was horrified. “I’m sorry, but I wouldn’t let that woman dictate my future. Students study abroad all the time.”

“Unfortunately, when you’re a graduate student, you’re under the patronage of your supervisor. If she drops me, and she can without having to justify her decision to anyone, then I’m stuck. I won’t have a supervisor, and that will set me back months if not a year.”

Rachel swore loudly. “What did Katherine say?”

“I haven’t told her.”

“You haven’t told her?” Rachel practically shouted. “Are you nuts? Katherine is like Wonder Woman in an age-appropriate pantsuit. She can fix anything.”

Julia stifled a laugh. “She’s at Oxford this year. There’s nothing she can do.”

“I thought she was switching to Harvard.”

“Not until next year.”

“Then work with her, instead.”

“It’s not that simple. I can’t work with her until after she arrives. And it will look bad if Cecilia refuses to be on my committee. Word will get out.”

“But Katherine is Wonder Woman. Why would you want to work with Black Widow, when you can work with Wonder Woman?”

“I thought black widows were spiders.”

“Stay current, Jules. Black Widow is an Avengers superhero. Do you want me to go talk to her?”

Julia made a strange gurgling sound in her throat. “Talk to Cecilia?”


“No. Thank you, but no, I don’t want you to talk to Cecilia.” Julia watched as Gabriel walked toward her with Clare, carrying a bag of candy. “I’m hoping Cecilia will change her mind before next summer, which is when I have to set things up with Edinburgh, if I’m going.”

“Academia is fucked up. Seriously. I thought Philadelphia mayoral politics were dysfunctional, but academia is a whole other level.”

“You aren’t wrong.”

“Speaking of black widows, what’s happening with Rebecca and my dad?” Rachel changed the subject.

Julia locked eyes with her husband, who had overheard Rachel’s question.

Gabriel gave Julia a quizzical look. “Why is she asking that?”

“Nothing is happening,” Julia replied. “Rebecca is here, with us. Richard is in Selinsgrove. Nothing has arrived from him in the mail.”

“They’re probably sexting.”

“Rachel!” Gabriel exclaimed, looking a little green.