“God, that is so good,” I mewed as he increased the friction against my now-hardened pink nub.

“Come for me, Rain. I love feeling you explode against my fingers,” he breathed against my neck, moving upward to tug on an earlobe with his teeth.

I wasn’t holding back, losing myself to the movements of his hand, allowing my body to take over and enjoy the sensations. Jon knew my body like it was his own, touching me exactly where I needed and precisely how I needed him to without direction. The friction of his calloused fingers on my extremely sensitive parts sent me over the edge, my hand gripping the handrail on one side to steady myself against the force of my orgasm.

“Good girl,” he said, but he didn’t stop there, milking my pussy until I was weak-kneed from coming into his palm and then pushing me forward so that my ass was at an angle to his throbbing cock.

His hands wrapped around my waist, easily lifting my smaller body upward and positioning me so that my aching gap was in just the right place. Moving forward, he braced one leg against the side of the tub and entered me at a slight angle, hitting just the right spot to put me right back on the edge of ecstasy. He rocked his body back and forth, ever so slowly and gently, letting me enjoy the sensations for a moment before plunging to my depths with his full length.

“Ummph,” was all I managed as he seemed to hit bottom.

“God, you’re so tight. Your pussy was created for my cock. It just wraps around me and milks me with every stroke,” he grunted.

Our bodies bounced back and forth, his cock pounding into me forcefully as I screamed and begged for more.

“Harder, Jon. Fuck me harder.”

“Keep going. Tell me what you want,” he replied, pushing himself fully inside me and reaching around to stroke my clit again. His hips ground forward, packing his cock fully into me and rolling it about enough to drive me mad. I was no longer the least bit articulate as he began alternating between this slow grinding and fucking me so hard, I was still having to brace myself against the wall.

“God, I’m coming,” he moaned, thrusting hard and fast as he got closer to his own climax. “Arrrrrgh.”

His motions slowed as he released inside me and remained there for a moment. Finally, he pulled free and helped me up from my partially bent position, returning my earlier favor of washing him by cleaning me with the sponge and some shower gel. I could feel how sore my pussy was as he stroked it with the sponge, cleaning away any deposits he had left behind. He finished by washing my hair and kissing me before we got out to dry off. I glanced at the clock, barely able to believe we had been in there for over thirty minutes.

“I’ve got to get dressed and ready to greet the movers,” I said.

“Yeah, you do. Are your bags still in the car?”


“I’ll go get them for you,” he said, slipping into his jeans while I began towel-drying my hair a bit.

“I’m glad you came back to me,” he said before leaving, leaning over to kiss me softly on the lips, a kiss that lingered and put my libido back in full gear despite its having only just been satisfied.

“I’m glad I did too,” I replied, knowing that I fully intended to pursue a follow-up as soon as I got the moving business out of the way.

I finished getting dressed again, this time in a simple summer dress and sandals. The movers arrived less than ten minutes later and made quick work of getting everything unloaded and put into place. I was happy to see my sofa arrive since the living room was still missing one. Jon looked at it sitting there and then over at me as the movers pulled out of the driveway.

“Tell me why you got rid of that sofa? I was rather fond of it. We had some great memories on that thing.”

“We aren’t the only ones. That’s why I gave it to Grandma’s boyfriend. He expressed a fondness for it too. It’s the only thing he asked for.”

Jon’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, followed by a wrinkled face of disgust. “No way!”


“Leigha was getting busy on the sofa with old man Shores?” He snorted.


He laughed and shook his head before pulling me toward him again. “I guess we’ll just have to break this one in instead, then.”

“I guess we will,” I laughed.

Pushing me down onto the sofa, he knelt in front of me, slipping off my shoes and slipping down my panties from beneath my dress. His eyes never left my own as he slipped each of my ankles over his shoulders so that I dangled there like his own personal decoration. Pushing the hem of my dress upward to expose my lower half, he put his head between my legs, the stubble on his face rough against my already-tender folds.