“Not that I’m going to give out to a stranger on the phone,” the woman said.

“Thanks for your help,” I said, ending the call and throwing the phone down on the table. Where was Rain?



Deja vu. Me, pulling into Grandma’s drive and Jon outside, working in the sun. His broad, tan shoulders glistened with sweat as he hammered away at a trellis on the side of my grandmother’s house, now my house. With his back turned to me, he seemed oblivious to my presence. I could see the white strings of headphones leading to the phone in his pocket. His voice filled the air, off-key and high-pitched as he sang an incredibly campy boy band song from our high school days. I stood listening for a moment, both amused and somehow oddly aroused.

Finally, I walked up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder to get his attention. His body convulsed as if he had been given a shock.

“Fuck me!” he shouted, simultaneously yanking his hand away from the trellis and turning to see who had disrupted him with a pain-filled face. It quickly changed to a broad smile, beaming at me as if he hadn’t just smashed a finger with his hammer.

“My god, are you OK? I’m so sorry!”

“I’m fine. I’ve been looking for you. Your cell was disconnected.”

“Oh, yeah. I was on a plan with Shaun, so I had to get a new plan. I couldn’t get my old number, which is probably best anyway.”

“Why is that?”

“I needed a phone with a new area code.”

“Where are you going? I called the clinic, but they said you weren’t there anymore.”

“You called the clinic? Why? Is everything OK?”

“No. Nothing was OK. Everything was shit while you were gone.”

“Did something happen?” I asked.

“Yes. I came to my senses,” he said, then he repeated his earlier question. “Where are you going?”

“I’m not going anywhere, Jon. I’m already there. I’m home.”

“For good?”

“I hope so. I’m going to try to start over here.”

“Does that mean with or without me?”

“I hope it means with you.”

The smile was back, spreading across his face like he was the Cheshire cat. He pulled me to him, and his mouth met mine in a fevered kiss. He was sweaty. I didn’t care. He smelled. I didn’t care. All I cared about was that we were here and we were together. When we finally pulled apart, I realized that I was shaking, my body reacting to the intensity of the kiss. I wanted him in the worst way, but I couldn’t right now.

“I have a moving truck coming. They left ahead of me while I finished up some things but should be here in an hour or so.”

“You’re serious about staying here then. What does all of this mean for you? For us?”

His blue eyes were sparkling in the sunlight, his chiseled jawline drawing me in like a giant neon sign pointing to a sale. It only made me want him that much more, right here and right now.

“We can talk about that later. Right now, we don’t have time. If you’ll stop blabbering like a teenage girl, we might have just enough time to get reacquainted before that truck arrives,” I said, winking at him.

“I need a shower,” he said, which wasn’t necessarily a denial of my request since it was coupled with him scooping me up and carrying me toward the house.

We stripped one another down to nothing, both eager to get down to business. We jumped into the shower and let the hot water flow over us as we went back to kissing, his mouth hungry on mine and his rough hands caressing my slippery flesh. A handful of shower gel squeezed into my hand, I began to wash him, enjoying the way my fingers felt caressing the hard angles of his body. He was still so beautiful to me, perhaps even more beautiful now that I wasn’t that scared little girl who only stole peeks at his naked body when we were alone in my grandmother’s cabin.

For a moment, an old pain surfaced, but I pushed it back down, refusing to let it take hold. His mouth found purchase on one of my nipples as I moved up to wash his hair, and I drew in my breath as he pulled and suckled at it with his tongue and teeth. He backed away, twirling me around so that he was beneath the main flow of water, rinsing his hair of the suds as I moved in closer, grabbing his cock in my still soapy hands and stroking him. A low groan escaped his body as he hardened in my hand, growing thicker and longer with each stroke.

Grabbing me by the waist, he switched us around again, putting me under the water and then turning me around so I was facing away from him. One hand kneaded my right breast while the other slipped down between my legs to let his fingers stroke my clit. His mouth was hot on my neck, kissing and biting me as I moaned loudly with pleasure. I could feel myself getting wet, the water slipping between my thighs to wash away the sticky evidence.