“But Morven and Ware refuse to leave the clan and say they will fight if Ivan strikes,” Newlin said with a bit of pride for the two old warriors.

“Joy has returned to the clan,” Tavia said.

“Not quite,” her da said. “There is still the demon to see to.”

“It is settled,” Tavia said. “Fia goes with Lord Varrick and hopefully she will be treated well.”

“Do not speak foolishly, Tavia,” her da warned. “The demon or whatever she is must be dealt with for our clan to truly be safe and free from evil.”

“Fia is no demon nor is she evil,” Flora said. She is a wise woman and should be respected.”

“Hold your tongue,” Newlin warned.

“I do not need to hold my tongue any longer. My voice has healed remarkably well thanks to Fia,” Flora said.

“Do not say that,” Newlin scolded, glancing around to see if anyone was close enough to hear. “And mind your tongue in front of Lord Torin. Do not let it chatter endlessly about things no one finds of interest but you.”

“Afraid he will not wed me and then you will be stuck with me?” Flora asked, not letting her uncle know his words hurt her.

She had not given thought when she spoke that people might not be interested in the knowledge she shared. It was commonplace to discuss such things with her parents and their friends, but not here in the Highlands.

Newlin shook his head. “All the knowledge your parents taught you will not help you survive in the Highlands, Flora. Highlanders are a different breed of people and I fear your father failed to teach you what you needed most to know. If Torin changed his mind, Ivan would be relentless in wanting to marry you even though I would continue to refuse him. There is no telling what he would do to get his way.”

“Newlin is right,” Cree said. “Not that the knowledge you gained will not be of help in some way, but you would be wise to learn more about survival here in the Highlands. It holds great beauty and just as much grave danger.”

Flora did not need reminding. She had thought about it every day since her arrival. Life was vastly different here and she worried she would never grow accustomed to it.

“If you have a moment, Lord Cree, I would like to speak with you privately before you take your leave,” Newlin said.

“Let’s do that now, since I want to be on the road soon. Surprisingly, the sun has shown itself and I want to take advantage of the pleasant day.”

Dawn looked to each woman as the men walked off and gestured slowly hoping one of them would understand. Not surprisingly, Flora did.

“I do hope you are right, Lady Dawn, that Tavia and I will do well in marriages neither of us wanted.”

“A problem, Newlin?” Cree asked, knowing only a problem would bring them to his solar. He only hoped it was one that could be solved easily since he had no intentions of delaying his return home.

“Somewhat.” Newlin sighed, turning after shutting the door.

Cree remained silent and remained standing, letting the man know he did not intend to remain there long.

“I am not sure what to do with the demon,” Newlin said nervously.

“There is no choice in the matter. Turn her over to Lord Varrick as requested, then she becomes his problem,” Cree said, though worried over the woman’s fate since his wife had a tendency to be right about a person’s nature.

“The clan wants her burned at the stake so that she can never return and hurt us again. If I turn her over to Lord Varrick, what is to stop her from returning here once he is done with her to wreak havoc again?”

“Fia had no hand in what happened. It was all Lord Ivan’s doing.”

“We do not know that for sure,” Newlin argued.

Cree could not understand how the man continued to believe such nonsense, but then there was a mysteriousness about the Highlands that was difficult to ignore. “Regardless, I am sure Lord Varrick will not let that happen.”

“What if he realizes too late that she cannae be controlled, and he releases her or worse returns her to me?” Newlin asked paling at the thought. “Even if I make it clear she is never to be returned to me, it will not matter to Lord Varrick, he would do as he will. How do I make it so that he can never return her to me?”

Cree had a thought. If his wife was right about Fia being a good woman then maybe his thought just might work.

“I have an idea,” Cree said and Newlin was quick to listen.

Dawn fell exhausted, though naked, into bed, her husband quickly joining her to lie flat on his back just as she did. Three days on the road and a never-ending flood of excitement with their return home had left them both completely exhausted.