“I hate to admit this, but I am too tired to make love to you as I intended,” Cree said, a yawn sneaking out with his last few words.

Dawn patted her chest and nodded.

“I am relieved you feel the same.” He took hold of her hand. “I would never want to disappoint you.”

Dawn turned her head moving it back and forth as she mouthed, never.

He smiled. “I know… I am too skilled to ever disappoint you. Ow!” He laughed at the playful jab to his side. He brought their joined hands to his mouth and kissed the back of hers. “I love you, Dawn. Being away and seeing what others go through to find a suitable wife makes me even more grateful we found each other.”

She nodded, agreeing and giving his hand a squeeze.

He grinned again. “It also makes me realize that you chatter as much as Flora does, but that’s all right I can deal with… OW!” He laughed again at yet another jab.

She smiled overly sweetly at him.

He reached over to push a strand of her auburn hair off her face. “I never thought to be this happy, this content with a wife. I had resigned myself to a marriage that would benefit me and my warriors. Never did I think I would be so lucky to find a powerful love I never believed existed.” He kissed her cheek gently. “I am grateful every day for you.”

She smiled and wiggled her way under his arm, which he moved to wrap around her as she snuggled against him. She patted her chest and looked up at him to mouth, Tavia and Flora.

“You hope they find love with their husbands?” Cree asked, though was fairly sure that was what she meant, knowing she had formed a quick friendship with the two women.

Dawn nodded.

“I hope they do find love as well.”

Sadness crept over Dawn’s face.

Cree knew without asking what brought it on. “You worry over Fia and what will become of her.”

Dawn nodded, sadness heavy in her dark eyes.

“I may have solved that problem.”

Dawn wrinkled her brow in question.

“When Newlin asked to talk with me, he expressed concern over Lord Varrick returning Fia to him if displeased with her and she would then again wreak havoc on his clan.”

Dawn scrunched her face, shaking her head.

“I know. I told him that Fia had nothing to do with what happened, it was all Lord Ivan’s doing, but he thinks differently. So, I came up with an idea.”

Dawn raised a skeptical brow.

“It is a good one. You will like it,” Cree boasted.

Dawn raised her brow further in question worried what her husband had done.

“I suggested that Newlin not turn over Fia to Lord Varrick unless he agreed to wed her. Then she would remain his responsibility,” Cree said proudly.

Dawn was glad her husband could not hear the groan deep in her chest. What had he done? Had he made things worse for Fia? A thought hit her. She recalled Fia saying she was to meet her fate there, perhaps Lord Varrick was her fate. Perhaps her husband had been the one to seal her fate.

She smiled at him and placed her hand on his chest.

“I knew you would approve, once you realized it was the wise thing to do.”

He had felt her groan, but then she should have known he would, and he had also known she would have agreed once she had given it thought. Marriage would give Fia a chance, small that it may be, it was a chance. She pressed a kiss to his chest, then another and another as her hand drifted down along his naked body.

Dawn smiled when she heard him groan.

“I changed my mind… I’m not too tired,” he said, and she chuckled feeling the same.

The end… until the next Cree & Dawn adventure!