“What about Marcus?” Addy asked, sounding almost insulted on her fiancé’s behalf.

“Eh, he doesn’t really do it for me, babe. I don’t know if it’s because he’s my brother-in-law or if it’s the eyebrows, but I see him and Jackson as a-sexual beings.”

When Addy’s lip pouted out, I decided to make our friend feel better. “I’ve looked, and he’s got a great ass.”

“Is it as good as Remy’s?” Sadie pressed, daring me to lie. “His is like two eggs in a hanky. You could bounce a two pound coin on that arse.”

She wasn’t wrong there.

Clearly unwilling to leave the topic of Sadie’s opinion of her fiancé’s ass alone, Addy called Sadie’s name. “So, you’re telling me you don’t think any of Elijah’s brothers are good looking or have a nice ass?”

Sadie looked mighty guilty as she cringed and shook her head wildly at me.

Oh, I knew what the problem was. I’d had the good fortune to meet his cousins and the rest of his brothers when Marcus had proposed to Addy. Given that he had an identical twin brother, Jackson, I’d already known what at least one of them looked like. Plus I’d met Elijah beforehand.

But nothing had prepared me for the others.

Yes, his cousins were hot, but there was something about the brothers that made you drool without even meaning to. Webb was the one that looked most like a bad boy out of them all, with tattoos all over his body and gauges in his ears. Interestingly, he was the only one who had a beard out of them, too, unlike the cousins, most of whom preferred facial hair.

Jesse, aka Dexter, was the second oldest, and he was very clean-cut and had been the quietest on the day when all of the kids and cousins had been talking loudly and running around the place.

Finally came Wes, who looked so much like the twins, it was hard to believe they weren’t triplets, even though he was a couple of years older than them.

As a woman who was attracted to men, I could wholeheartedly confirm—they were all fucking hot.

If Sadie answered Addy’s question, she’d either have to lie to our friend. Or she’d have to admit she didn’t see them all as a-sexual beings, just the twins.

“Well?” Addie pressed, waiting for Sadie to answer.

“Ah, hell,” she muttered under her breath. “Webb’s the one who did it the most for me. That beard and the tattoos….”

“I’m not usually a fan of them, but the gauges deserve a noticeable mention from me,” I added, getting a frantic head nod in agreement from Sadie.

“Oh, yeah, those are hot.”

“I don’t really like beards,” I mused, picturing Webb’s neat facial hair. “But he’s the exception.”

“Yes,” Sadie shouted. “That’s exactly it for me, too. Mum’s neighbor had a beard, and he used to babysit us when we were little. He always had bits of food in it, and it smelled funny so I cringe usually when I see them on a good looking guy. I’d be heart broken if Webb shaved his off, though.”

Before Addy could say anything, deep voices sounded from the side of the house.

Recognizing her fiance’s, she jumped up and yelled, “Marcus, get this, Sadie sees you and Jackson as a-sexual. I told her—”

She stopped as Marcus appeared and froze in place, reminding her about what she was wearing. Hitting the camera again, I turned it around so Sadie didn’t miss out. I was such a good friend like that.

“That’s what Elijah was talking about? I thought he’d been drinking or was just in a pissy mood, so I told him to go fuck himself,” he exploded, cringing as he took it in. Breaking out of her freeze, Addy spun around to get back into the water, inadvertently showing him the back. “Addy, what the fuck?”

She lifted an arm out of the water and pointed it right at me. “She got it for me.”

“Pssst,” Sadie whispered loud enough so only I’d hear her. “I’ve changed my mind about the a-sexual thing.” I was too busy staring at a shirtless Marcus and Remy, the sun making the lines on their stomachs look even better than I’d imagined. Naturally I focused more on Remy, especially the V just above his crotch where the waistband of his jeans had slipped down to show more of it. “You lucky bitches, you.”

Without replying, I absentmindedly reached for the burpy cloth I’d wiped my phone with, but this time used it to dab my mouth, just in case I’d drooled.

Meeting my eyes over Addy’s head as she bickered with Marcus, Remy winked at me and made his way toward me, pausing when he saw a still sleeping Toby.

“I don’t know how he sleeps through this shit,” he muttered, bending down and briefly touching his lips against mine.

Did that count as a kiss? I needed to make a note of that question so I could ask Addy and Sadie once we were alone again because I didn't have the first clue.