“Imagine that,” Sadie murmured, her expression and tone making it clear how much she was loving this.

“Yup. So, when she heard I hadn’t brought mine with me, she put me on a guilt trip for denying you the pleasure of seeing the swimsuit in the flesh—pun intended.”

“I’m a real friend,” Addy muttered drily. “Now can I get in the water?”

“Just a second.” Sadie focused on her screen as she did something, then tilted her head slightly. “Can you put your arms in the air like a Y shape?”

Addy looked confused but did it anyway.

“And now do an M.” Again, she complied. “Now a C.”

Holding it for roughly three seconds, Addy automatically went into an A shape without being asked.

“Awesome. Thanks for that.”

Getting into the water, Addy looked suspiciously at my phone. “What were you doing?”

“I got some killer photos that highlighted the full effect of your awesome swimming costume. I figured you spelling out YMCA would help people understand how every angle of the front of the costume looks.” Sadie’s eyes widened. “Wait, what does the back look like?”

“Mine was just plain pink,” I answered as Addy got up and turned around.

Come to find out, I apparently hadn’t found the same costume that she had because hers had the hairiest ass crack I’d ever seen. I also discovered when they said the latest iPhones were waterproof, they weren’t kidding as I burst out laughing so hard, my hand released the phone, and it went into the water before I could stop it.

Picking it up before Addy could turn back around, I held it up so the two of us could get screenshots of it.

“Oh, shit,” Sadie chuckled, wiping under her eyes. “I’m so putting these on my Christmas cards this year.”

Peering over her shoulder, Addy gasped when she caught sight of what we were laughing at now. “That’s not fair! The one I got you was nowhere near as bad as this.”

Elijah’s head appeared next to his wife’s as he kissed her on the neck. “Behave yourself, Pixie.”

That would have gotten an ‘aww’ out of me, except he looked up to smile at whichever one of us was on the screen and saw the back of the costume this time.

“Oh, for shit’s sake, man,” he barked, pressing the heel of his hands into his eyes. “My brother’s a sick fuck.”

“Bye, honey. Stay safe, and don’t forget my ice cream,” Sadie said softly, giggling as he stumbled away, still muttering about what he’d just seen. “Welp, that’s my husband in therapy.”

Sinking under the bubbling water, Addy glared at me. “This is all your fault.”

“Au contraire, mon amie—on a technicality, it’s your fault. You started this by getting me that damned suit and my brother’s for setting me up, both of which resulted in Remy seeing me wearing it. At least for you, it’s just your brother-in-law who saw it.”

“She’s right, you know,” Sadie agreed. “Hey, Santana, put the camera back on you for a second.”

Reaching behind me for one of the muslin cloths I’d brought for Toby, I dried off my hand and then whatever water was left on my phone from its quick splash in the tub, and hit the button to turn the camera around.


Leaning close to her phone and looking around her like she was in a public place instead of her living room, she smiled wickedly. When she spoke, the volume of her voice was a total contrast to how she’d made sure she had privacy, though. “Have you rammed Remy yet?”

This time it was Addy who burst out laughing. “Yeah, let’s talk about that!”

“No, I haven’t,” I admitted, my cheeks burning.

When Marcus had proposed to Addy, he’d had his cousins’ kids line up with letters in their hands to spell out Marry Me. In the process, and most likely due to their ages, they’d muddled the letters up and had spelled out ‘RAM REMY’ instead. It’d been hilarious for us, but not so much for Marcus and Remy.

“Judging by the rosy glow on your beautiful face, something’s happened. Tell us.” Sadie leaned in and clapped her hands excitedly. “Sorry, pregnancy hormones at work over here. They’re making me randier and nosier than usual.”

She’d found out not long ago that she was pregnant with her and Elijah’s second baby, their first being a beautiful little girl called Bronte. I loved the name as much as I loved her sweet face—i.e., a lot.

“He did one of those lip brush kisses on my cheek and mouth last night.” When I stopped talking and looked away from them, both of my friends made irritated noises, knowing I was holding something back. Unable to look at them, I added, “And I saw his bare ass last night.”

Addy gasped, but Sadie sang, “Oh, it’s quite the butt, too.” When I looked at her and glared, she shrugged a shoulder, looking totally unrepentant. “My heart may be full of my husband, but that doesn’t mean my eyes are. When a man turns around in front of me, naturally, I’m going to note certain details, especially if they look like Remy.”