“Thank you,” he says to my brother as he shakes his hand. Taking mine, he brings it to his lips. “You look beautiful as ever. Now—shall we do this?”

“Do I have a choice?”

He lightly tugs on the back of my hair that’s splayed down my back and then whispers in my ear, “No, but the longer it takes, the longer you have to wait for your orgasms.”

I lean in with a grin. “The same can be said for you.”

“I’ve already proven what I will do to you to get off.”

“And I’ve shown you how much I get off on it,” I hiss back, nipping at his ear.

“You’re lucky I don’t want anyone to see you or I’d have you on your knees right now, gagging as you say your vows.”

“Are you two going to get married today, or make the priest blush all day?” Grigor says.

I turn beet red. “Fuck, you look good like that too.” Konstantin turns to the priest and says, “Sorry, we’re ready.”

As soon as the ceremony is over, we excuse ourselves to finish our conversation, although not much speaking is needed.

Chapter Nine


“Well, look who we have here. I never expected the iciest bastard to show up. Is this your favorite way to get pussy?” The owner of the auction comes up and stands in between me and the stage.

“I’m just here to see what’s owed to me,” I answer, looking for the perfect seat.

“Owed?” he asks.

“Yes, one of the women up there belongs to me, so I want to see how much I get for her,” I state. After all, I did have the right.

“Nice. I knew you didn’t actually like women. You know, they have a men’s club for your kind.” He winks, but he reads me completely wrong. I smirk and nod, walking past him, and let him go on thinking that I’m gay because my queen and I have something that must be done. I won’t rest easy until I’ve handled the demons of her past.

“Excuse me.” I move past him before I lose my temper and put a bullet in his head. If he’s one of the ones who had an interest in my wife, it won’t be long either way. I take a seat and wait for the show to begin. I know when my wife is coming on, so I focus solely on my phone because I don’t give a fuck about anyone else here.

“Can we sit here?”

“No,” I snarl at the two women who look like they are after one thing they’ll never get from me.

“Why not? We could take care of your needs while you wait for the ladies.”

“I could snap your neck for making such a revolting offer.” They gasp and leave my sight, and then they announce my little one.

“Daniella Morales. The starting bid has been set at seven hundred and fifty thousand.” Several hands immediately go up. My eyes are everywhere around the room to make note. My wife is beautiful and everyone here has taken notice, but they’re foolish because they’ve made a deadly mistake. They’re eyeing her like they’re going to get lucky. If they only knew the truth. The bidding keeps going up, and I put in a bid at the end because it doesn’t matter that I’m going to lose money. The thought of another fucker thinking for an instant that he could put a hand on my wife is enough to send me into a frenzy.

“Whoa. Looks like Mr. Antonov has good taste after all. Two million dollars for the lovely Ms. Morales. However, seeing as this is my event, I’ve had my eyes on Ms. Morales for a long time, and I’m going to bid two point five million, ending the bidding.”

“You put your hands on her, and I’ll burn this place to the ground.”

“The hell you will. She’s mine,” he challenges me. I laugh heartily because I’ve no problem burning the world to the ground for Daniella.

“Little one, go with Grigor.” She moves immediately to his side, keeping close so she’s protected.

“Anyone that doesn’t want to end up charcoal, I suggest you make your way out the exits now. Show’s over.” The crowds make a mad dash for the door, but my guys have plans for some of them. Women scream as they flee because that’s what they do even though I’ve given them time to get the fuck out of here.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?”

“First off, I’m Konstantin Antonov. Second and most importantly, I’m Daniella’s husband, so the fact that you’ve been trying to get my wife’s pussy makes you my enemy.”

“What? She’s not married.”

“Yes, she is, and she’s most certainly taken my cock repeatedly since we’ve met, so all bidding was just a waste of time.”

“So what the fuck was this bullshit about?”

“To see which sick bastards were gunning for my wife, making her live in fear for years.”