“What are you waiting for?”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Too late, big boy. As soon as your big dick gets in me, it stretches me in half. Now fuck me like the whore you love.”

“That mouth of yours is going to leave you without an orgasm.”

“I didn’t do anything wrong.”

“No, but you’ve got my balls locked and loaded. Bounce that ass back and take my cock deep. Fuck yourself like my good little whore.” I grip her throat, giving a squeeze tight enough for her to gasp but not enough to hurt her, and like that she rocks back, sending me practically into her gut. I grip her tits with my other hand, mashing them together, pinching her nipples. “Damn it, you like it so fucking rough. I’m a lucky bastard.”

“Fuck, I’m…Oh shit…” She lets go, and I feel her body shake as her pleasure shoots through her tiny frame. I barrel into her, slamming my hips into her ass until I nut, jetting my seed into her womb.

Chapter Eight


I’ve fallen in love with this crazy, sick mobster who stole me and killed my father. Granted, he deserved it, but I shouldn’t have fallen so easily into his bed, willingly coming around his tongue and cock like a greedy, experienced woman.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” I turn to see my brother walking into the room. I smile at him, hoping he can’t see the concern in my face because it’s nothing to do with getting married to Konstantin. The reason I’m upset is because I surrendered to him so easily. I still don’t understand how I could let myself do it, but I held no resistance.

Even when the stylist came, she included several wedding dresses just in case I went along with the wedding, so now I have the perfect gown on as if I’m a princess and like nothing this is a fairytale.

"Nothing's wrong,” I insist.


“Hey, watch your mouth.”

“Come on. Do you see where we live now? You’re marrying a mobster who killed people right in front of us and who did us a favor and got rid of our father.”

“You’re happy he’s gone?”

“Yes. I always had a sneaking suspicion that he had bad intentions toward us, but now that I know I was right, I feel completely happy that the bastard’s dead and gone. Is that what’s bothering you?” he asks me.

“I guess. I’m just wondering why I have no backbone when it comes to Konstantin,” I finally say it aloud. The words sound so weak. Maybe because that’s what I’ve always been. My father held the threats over my head and I cowered. Konstantin is difficult for me to reconcile because it’s not the threats against Tomas that bother me, but the fear that he’ll toss me aside.

“I guess they say it’s because you love him. I mean, if it’s that goofy look you have on your face when you look at him, I suppose you’re in love with him,” he says, taking me out of my thoughts.

“I make a goofy face?” I gasp.

“No, but it’s obvious that you’re no longer paying attention to anyone else. From the second he walked into the apartment, your eyes were focused on him even when you attempted to shoot daggers at the guy. They might be killers, but he seems to want to make you happy and that’s not something I could say about our father. So take it for what it is. You’re happy, and so find a way to hold on to it.”

“How the hell did you get so wise?” I ask, throwing my arm around him for a hug.

“I’m not, but I pay attention to shit. Besides, I’ve got it good here, and I’m not interested in fucking it up. I’ll just make sure to find someone else to eat my dinner with, so I don’t have to pretend that you two aren’t sneaking away mid bite to fuck.”

“Hey, language.”

“Whatever. Are you ready? I’m sure the Russian bear out there is anxious to get the show on the road.” I smile because Tomas is so much more than my father ever was, and I hope that he can be the man he wants to be under Konstantin’s watch. I know my future husband promised me that he’d do anything to make sure Tomas had a good life, but as his big sister, I’ll always worry.

“I’m ready. Lead me down to my fate.” My sweet brother rolls his eyes and takes my hand, leading me to Konstantin. As I make it to the makeshift altar where his men stand with a nervous priest, a calm sets over me and the look on Konstantin’s face turns all my doubt about my reasons to mush. I’m crazy about him, and that’s all that matters. Besides, I don’t think that crazy bastard has any intention of giving me a choice. If I run, he’ll hunt me down, so I might as well enjoy the ride.