My fingers type my reply and I hit send.
A few moments later, he responds.
Major: Any particular requests from the chef?
A slight chuckle escapes my lips as I reply.
Me: Anything that your heart desires
Major: Got it ;)
An hour later, Crew and I exit the train and make our way towards downtown. I glance around, making sure I have all of our things before I hail a cab. I raise up my hand and yell out. In an instant, a yellow cab pulls up along the curb.
“Come on Crew. Grab your stuff.”
Crew follows as I guide him inside the cab. We nestle inside and I shut the door. The driver looks back toward me, “Where to?”
“291 Broadway and Reade Street, please.”
The cab pulls away from the curb, and drives along the city streets. As we weave through traffic, I glance at my phone, only to feel the nerves kick in all over again.
I catch Crew staring out the window, mesmerized by the city’s tall skyscrapers. He turns to me with a smile. “Mom, when are we going to live here?”
His question catches me off guard for a brief moment. “Well, honey, stuff like that takes time. I’d have to get a good job, and find you a great school. Besides, what’s wrong with Connecticut?”
He shrugs, “Nothing, it’s just so small compared to New York. This place looks like way more fun.”
I laugh at his honesty, “Well, it’s not always fun. It’s such a big city you could get lost.”
His eyes grow wide. “Really? Did you ever get lost here?”
I nod, recalling the moment I first met Major. “Yup, as a matter of fact I did. Well, not really lost, but I was stuck here. You see, I missed my train back home and a nice man helped me.”
His face fills with awe. “Wow, I’m glad he helped you. You must have been scared.”
A small burst of laughter escaped me. “Yup, I was a hot mess. Almost cried that night.”
Crew smiles with assurance. “At least you weren’t alone. And you made it home safe. Now, I know not to miss any trains.”
We both laugh in unison just as the cab arrives at the dance studio. I pay the fare and help Crew out of the car. We make our way inside the building, already hearing classical music echoing from the halls.
The sight of Juliette comes into view as we step inside the studio. I call out to her and pull Crew further inside. Juliette sees us approaching and smiles with excitement.
She pulls me into a hug. “You guys made it! Just in time!”
She stands back, smiling at Crew. “Oh my gosh, you have gotten so big! And so handsome!”
He nods in silence.
I rub his hair. “Don’t mind him. He’s a little shy.”
Juliette smiles, ushering us inside. “No worries. I have two of them and another on the way. Come, let’s put your stuff down in the closet and then I’ll show you your seats.”
We follow close as Juliette brings us into the theatre area and we take our seats. The lights dim as music plays louder. A few moments later, the crowd quiets down as Juliette takes center stage.
A spotlight closes in as she greets the audience. “Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you all for coming tonight. I am very proud of these young dancers who worked extremely hard for this performance. So please, sit back and enjoy our rendition of Swan Lake.”
She exits the stage as the curtains pull apart, exposing a group of girls, posed in position, waiting for the music to start. And just like that, the music begins, and each girl moves with skill, passion, and talent.