Each performer is dressed in beautifully colored tutus and hair pinned up into perfect buns. Their tiny feet squeezed into pink ballet shoes, making each toe point stretch as far as they can reach. They twirl and spin, raising their arms with poise and musicality.
I glance over at Crew, to see him fully engrossed by the performance. I smile with ease, knowing he’s enjoying himself too.
My eyes return toward the dancers and I catch Cassie step out from the crowd of dancers. Her white costume bounces as she jumps and twists into a pirouette. She continues her solo as the audience watches with awe.
The recital continues for another forty-five minutes and as the last performance concludes, each audience member stands in ovation and claps with admiration.
I yell and cheer, happy for Cassie and Juliette. Crew claps along and tries to whistle with his fingers. I smirk at his eagerness and clap louder as all of the dancers, along with Juliette join the stage for the final bow.
The theatre lights up as Crew and I make our way backstage to congratulate the girls. Each dancer is cheering while I catch a couple hugging one another, clearly proud of their performance.
Juliette comes into view and I pull her into a hug. “You guys did awesome! I loved it!”
ank you!”
Cassie runs into Juliette with arms with open. I crouch down and squeeze her. “Cassie, I loved your dancing.”
She smiles, “Thank you Miss Dylan.”
I motion toward Crew, mentally telling him to acknowledge her. He huffs but complies. “You danced good.”
Cassie smiles and runs off to join her friends. Declan steps up behind Juliette, placing a kiss on her lips. I smile as the cute couple display a quick display of affection.
Declan greets me with a smile. “How’s it going Dylan?”
I shrug. “Same old thing. Nothing new. Hey, listen I wanted to thank you both for watching Crew tonight. I shouldn’t be too late but I’ll text you if I might be.”
Declan shakes his head. “No problem, we’d be glad to take him for the night while you do your thing. Besides, it’ll be nice to have another man around the house. Been around too many females lately.”
I laugh at his joke just as Juliette gives him that look and slaps his shoulder. Declan smirks and shrugs innocently and walks off to talk to a couple of the other parents.
Twenty minutes later, we all exit the studio and head toward Juliette’s and Declan’s house. It’s been a while since I’ve been here and each time, it takes my breath away. Juliette smiles at my excitement and chuckles.
I bring mine and Crew’s bags into the guest bedroom and head back down toward the living area. We gather for a few minutes, talking about the recital before my cellphone chimes. I glance down to see Major’s text.
I let out a deep breath, feeling sick to my stomach. Juliette steps closer and asks, “Have you told him yet?”
“No, but I will tonight. I have to. I can’t put it off any longer.”
She nods in agreement. “Especially if you want things to be peaceful. I’m not saying it’s going to be rainbows and unicorns because it’ll be far from that. But hopefully, he can come to terms with the reasoning behind your secrecy.”
I let out a deep breath. “I hope so.”
I give her a hug and say good-bye to Crew for the night. “I’ll see you when I get back. Be a good boy.”
“I will mommy. Have a good night.”
I kiss him on the cheek and step outside, waving bye to Juliette and Declan. Declan shuts the door behind me as I step onto the city streets and head toward Major’s.
You can do this.
I step toward the restaurant, only to find it empty. Curious and concerned at the same time, I move closer to the glass, staring inside only to see one table setting in the center of the restaurant.