
“Melanie could please assist me with the patient in room three? I’d like to take a look at his brace and need your help.”

“Yes, right away sir.” I jump up from my desk chair and follow Dr. Ferguson into Roman’s room. It’s been eighteen hours since I’ve seen him and I hope he’s in a much better mood this time. I follow Dr. Ferguson inside and listen as he greets Roman.

“Hello again Roman. Let’s take a look at your back shall we?” He walks to him as I follow and stand on the opposite of the bed. Roman avoids eye contact with me.

Dr. Ferguson instructs Roman to try and sit up in bed as high as he can lift his chest. With much struggle, Roman slowly manages to sit up, and I can’t help but smile at how far he’s come in such a short time.

Dr. Ferguson opens Roman’s hospital gown, exposing his chest and the TLSO covering wrapped around his lower back. “Now Melanie, hold him steady while I loosen the brace.”

I nod, following his instruction. My hand grabs hold of Roman’s shoulders and a slight tingle shocks me as my skin makes contact with his. A low gasp escapes me, but I lay my head low, trying to keep cool.

Dr. Ferguson loosens the brace and presses against Roman’s back with the palm of his hand. “Let me know if you feel any pressure or discomfort.” His hand moves from spot to spot on his back, but Roman keeps silent.

He looks at Roman, seeking an answer. “Nothing?”

Roman shakes his head no. Dr. Ferguson steps back and clasps his hands together, pondering a theory. “Ok, let’s get you into radiology. I want to see that back of yours again. Looks like you’re making excellent progress but I don’t want to rule out anything yet. If all goes well, you could start physical therapy tomorrow. How does that sound sir?”

Roman nods. “Sounds good. Thank you Doctor.”

We lay him back down on the bed as Dr. Ferguson orders an x-ray. He instructs me to call up to radiology to schedule it and wheel him up there.

An hour later, a couple of the male nurses help Roman get into the wheelchair. I watch as he struggles to lift himself off the bed, the agony clear in his face. The nurses slowly lift him off and carefully seat him in the chair. I walk up to him and spin around his back, pushing the chair toward the elevator.

I fight the urge to speak to him as we make our way to the elevator. I can’t help but feel like he’s angry at me. He’s spoken to the other nurses since his outburst, but not me. Maybe he is angry with me about something.

We wait in silence for the elevator to arrive. Once its doors ding open, I push him inside and hit the button for the third floor. We both avoid eye contact as the elevator carries us to the next level. After the doors open, I push him toward radiology and check him in for his appointment. The technician rolls him toward the back and I wait outside as he gets his scan.

Fifteen minutes later, the tech pushes him back outside and tells me everything went smoothly and the x-rays should be online in just a few minutes. I thank the technician and we make our way back toward the elevator to head downstairs.

As I push the wheelchair, I ask Roman, “Are you hungry? We could stop at the cafeteria and get something for you to eat.”

He ignores my question and I have the urge to just fire back at him. I don’t understand his attitude and I don’t appreciate it. I see he’s trying to push me away but I won’t have it. One way or another, I’m going to push through and bust down his walls.

Whether he likes it or not.


THE X-RAY SCANS post online fifteen minutes later so I alert Dr. Ferguson. Within the hour, I see him enter Roman’s room and he stays in there for about ten minutes. I hesitate to ask him what the x-rays showed; I figure it’s none of my business so I go on with my day.

During my break, I head to my locker and pull out one of the little Christmas ornaments I bought earlier that morning. It’s a small plastic Christmas tree decorated in a silver sparkling glow to give it the effect that it’s shining under the moonlight. I smile as I look at the ornament and stick it in my pocket.

Later that night, after I know for a fact Roman is asleep, I tiptoe into his room and hang the ornament on his bedside lamp. It twinkles in the moonlight and spins as it shines. There’s nothing wrong with spreading a little Christmas cheer.

Glancing around the room, I clean up whatever junk is on his table and pick up the napkins off the floor, tossing everything into the trash. I quietly step toward the bed and watch as he rests, hoping he’s having pleasant dreams. His body jolts in his sleep, startling me for a split second, thinking that he will wake while I stand there. But, alas, it’s just his body acclimating to his dreamlike state.

My eyes scan his face, acknowledging that his burn has healed quite nicely, even after the blisters burst. It’s a shame he’ll have a few scars, but it’s not the end of the world. His dark brown hair has gotten longer since he’s been a patient; it’s starting to grow over his ears.

With slow movements, I touch his soft hair, feeling it brush against my fingertips. A little surge of electricity courses through my fingers as they touch his hair. The tingle startles me and brings a smile to my face. As I stand over him, watching him sleep, I wish for his dreams to be peaceful and full of happiness. The past few days have been very difficult for him and all I want is for him to feel better about himself, to get his mojo back.

He mumbles something as he sleeps and I have to fight the urge to laugh. I’ve never watched someone sleep before and it’s quite exhilarating. Before I leave his room, I cover him up with the blanket and make sure his pillow is nice and fluffed. This time, I make sure to be extra careful to not wake him up. Glancing toward him before I exit, I take a quick look at the ornament and smile. I hope it brings a smile to his face when he wakes up.

Sitting back at my desk, I pull up his x-rays on the computer and look at Dr. Ferguson’s notes. Looks like the spine is healing faster than normal and Roman could start physical therapy very soon. It’s also noted that once his burns are healed, he’ll be brought out of the ICU and discharged.

A frown creeps along my face as I read the notes. Of course I want Roman to heal and get back to normal, but I also like having him around. Yes, right now he’s a pain in my ass, but it’s still nice to have someone to talk to. Who am I to wish for someone to remain in the hospital? Shaking my head and mentally slapping myself, I shut down the online chart and continue with the insurance paperwork for the other patients.
