The next day, Roman’s stitches and bandages are removed. His surgical incision has completely healed, and in record time, might I add. The burns on his right side and his right hand have healed with very little scaring. The only scarring is on his face. It’s still a little pink, but it doesn’t need the treatment of ointment anymore. His level of pain has also decreased dramatically.

I assist Dr. Ferguson with the removal of the bandaging, just in case there are still more blisters that need attendance; no need, since everything is all good. Peeling back the bandage and seeing the burn all healed puts a smile on my face.

After the removal, Dr. Ferguson gives us the order to begin drawing up the discharge paperwork so Roman can be discharged tomorrow.

As I hand out lunch trays to a few of my other patients, I catch Roman’s aunt and uncle stopping by for a quick visit. They smile and wave at me just before they enter his room. I’m not sure when, but somehow I grew to liking them, a lot. I think I’ve always liked the Zeppieris, even before I knew Roman was, well, Roman.

Back in high school whenever I went to get pastries, Mrs. Zeppieri was always so nice to me. She is such a sweet lady and I’m glad I got the chance to get to know her.

Every time they visit, his mood gets a little brighter. I can tell that he truly loves his aunt. Their chemistry is so genuine and sometimes I wish I had that same dynamic with my mother.

After a long day’s work, I feel like having a little treat, so I head to the vending machine down the hall. Staring at the bazillion choices that it offers, I’m completely stumped, partly because everything is way overpriced. I mean, who’s going to pay $1.75 for a small bag of chips? That bag is 75% air anyway. I have the urge to just turn back around but I just can’t do it. Every snack is calling out to me. Pick me Melanie! Pick me!

I give in to my inner fat girl and settle for a chocolate bar, which ends up costing me $2.00. That’s New York City for you. Everything is so inflated. Biting into the chocolaty sweetness, I close my eyes and let out a soft moan. But goddamn it’s so worth it.

As I feast on my five hundred calorie chocolate bar, I hear someone speak behind me, causing me to spin around.

“Um, excuse me, Melanie?

Mrs. Zeppieri stands before me, smiling as she catches me stuffing my face. She giggles. “Hungry, huh?”

I nod, stuffing the bar into my pocket. “I couldn’t wait. It was calling my name.”

She laughs. “You never were good at resisting chocolate.”

“It truly is my weakness. That and a good strawberry cheesecake.”

“I’ll make note of that.”

We both laugh at each other?

??s comments. After we calm down I ask, “Oh, I’m sorry. Was there something you wanted to ask me?”

Embarrassed, she replies, “Oh yes! I’m going senile. Old age is catching up to me. I…I was wondering if you’d like to come to our house for Christmas Eve.”

Her invitation completely catches me by surprise and I stand there, not knowing how to respond. My silence turns the conversation in an awkward direction.

She takes my silence as a form of shooting down her invitation. “You know what, I bet you have plans anyway. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

Shaking away the shock, I quickly reply, “No, I…I’m sorry. I just–didn’t expect you to invite me. I’m flattered, honestly.”

Her face beams. “So, will you come? It would bring me great pleasure.”

Hesitant, I can’t help but ask, “How does Roman feel about this? I’m not exactly his favorite person right now and I don’t want to jeopardize your guys’ holiday. Besides, I wouldn’t want to impose.”

She scoffs. “Nonsense. It’s my house so I can invite whomever I want. He’ll just have to accept it. And I want you there with us. You would not be imposing. Trust me.”

How could I turn down this sweet old lady? I couldn’t hurt her. Yes, I’d have to deal with Roman’s cranky attitude, but I want to make her day, so I give her a nice warm smile.

“I’d love to spend Christmas in your home.”

She squeals and pulls me into a hug. “Thank you! I need to start planning meals.”

My jaw drops. “But Christmas is not for another two weeks.”

She shrugs. “There’s no hurt in planning early. Oh, I wanted to say something else.”

She sighs deeply and looks me with warmth and admiration. “I know Roman is getting discharged tomorrow and I want to thank you for everything that you have done to help him. Having you here is truly a blessing and…and I wouldn’t have wanted any other nurse to watch over him. I know that he doesn’t show it, but Roman feels the same way.”