The technician, Rudy, responds, “Let me run that in our database and see if he has a record.”

The system analyzes the man’s face to search for any history of criminal activity. A few seconds later, the search completes and populates with multiple offenses.

Rudy shouts excitedly, “Bingo! We’ve got a hit!”

I lean in closer to view the data and scour through the information, “His name is Derrick Anderson. Charged with robbery, assault, a couple DUI’s, and disorderly conduct. Looks like he even had a run in the juvenile system.”

Davis inspects the data, “But do you notice all of those offenses happened over seven years ago? Do you think it’s odd that nothing since has happened?”

Rudy shrugs his shoulders, “Perhaps he reformed?”

I shake my head, “No way is he reformed. He must be under the radar. Has to be.”

Rudy starts an advanced search including his name. “Okay, Derrick Anderson is pretty common but we have hits all over New York. Is this guy local?”

“I don’t think so. I have the feeling he’s out of state, but no clue where to begin.”

Davis’ brow arches, “I have an idea. Can you run his portrait through a search on the internet and see if any other images of him come up? If he’s out there, then the internet is the best place to find him. Even if it’s a cell phone picture—just something.”

I scoff, “I doubt he’s on social media. If he’s trying to hide I don’t think he’d be stupid enough to have that.”

Davis responds, “You’d be surprised how dumb people really are.”

We head out to grab a bite to eat while the search engine does its magic. Two hours later, the precinct calls Davis and he puts the phone on speaker.

“It’s Davis. Talk to me.”

“Davis, it’s Rudy. I found our guy.”

My body tenses as I prepare myself to hear the news.

“That’s great, Rudy. Where is he?”

“He’s in Chicago. Apparently he’s a kickboxing instructor and one of his students took a selfie of herself and he was in the background. I found the image on Instagram. I’ll send you the image right now. It’s fairly recent, about two months old. My guess is he’s still the instructor.”

I speak up, “Thanks, Rudy. I really appreciate it.”

“No problem, Duke. I hope you find the asshole.”

Davis hangs up and we head back to work. All I can think about is finding Derrick and pummeling my fist into his face. If he’s hurt her…let’s just say that he’d wish he was back in jail.

Davis and I gather all of the information about Derrick and locate the gym where he works. I call the gym to see if he’s still employed there, and lo and behold, he still has a job. I call up Melanie and Rob, telling them the good news. For once in my life, I can see a clear future ahead of me. I’m no longer hinged by my past regrets. Everything is so clear and precise, I won’t lose this time. I can’t lose.

A few hours later, I’m at the loft, packing up my stuff and getting ready for my flight to Chicago. As I pack away my toothbrush, I hear the buzzer and let Melanie into the building. Seconds later, the doorbell rings and open the door, allowing her to slip inside.

“Melanie, what are you doing here? You know I’m leaving in a couple hours, right? I need to get to the airport.”

She sighs, “I know, that’s why I stopped by. I’m worried, Duke. I don’t want you going out there all alone. Shouldn’t the police be involved?”

“Melanie, I’m not going to start a war; I just need to find this guy and shadow him, that’s all. I can’t blow my cover without getting all of the facts first. Who knows, maybe he’ll lead me right to her without even noticing.”

“I just want you to be careful. Please don’t get carried away with everything.”

“I promise, I won’t get into trouble, but I can’t promise that trouble won’t find me.”

She slaps my arm, “Really? Stop being an ass.”

I laugh at her and sling my arm around her, “You love it. Don’t deny it.”