She chuckles, “Yeah, I do. Please promise me.”

I kiss her cheek, “I promise.”

She pulls out of my embrace and heads toward the door. Before she exits the loft, she turns to look back at me and smiles.

“Bring her back to us, Duke. Bring her home.”

I nod my head as she exits the loft and return to gathering my things for the trip. I head into my bedroom, pull out my drawer, and grab a few boxer briefs. A folded white piece of paper falls onto the floor and I bend down to pick it up.

My breath catches as I read Raya’s last words to me. Don’t worry, Raya, I’m coming for you.

Six hours later, I land in Chicago, on a mission. I hail a taxi and give him the address to my hotel. On the drive to the hotel, I make a quick call to Davis to let him know that I’ve arrived. He tells me to hang low and not cause any attention. As an investigator, I don’t have any rights or responsibilities as a law enforcement officer. No jurisdiction and no authority, just the ability to scope out the suspects and make a citizen’s arrest, if need be.

Once I check into the hotel and put away all of my belongi

ngs, I call Derrick’s gym to find out his class schedule.

The receptionist answers, “Thank you for calling Evolve Fitness & Training. How may I assist you?”

“Yes, I’m interested in your kickboxing class. What days and time is that class offered?”

“We have several kickboxing classes. Which one are you interested in?”

“Are they all taught by the same instructor?”

“No, our gym owner, Lucas, teaches the higher skilled class and the beginning classes are taught by Derrick.”

“Let’s start out with the beginners’ class. When is that one?”

“Kickboxing for Beginners classes are held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from seven to nine and we also offer an evening class. The evening class is Mondays from eight to ten. Would you like me to sign you up while I have you on the phone?”

“No, that’s alright. I’ll just head down there and sign up in person. Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome, sir. And we look forward to seeing you. Have a wonderful day.”

“Thank you.”

Alright, tomorrow it is. I call Melanie and tell her everything that I’ve found out. My plan is to just watch him and follow, that’s all. After I hang up with Melanie, I walk over to the window and stare out into the city.

It’s not New York, but it’s a close second. The tall buildings climb high into the vast, open sky. The busy streets fill with shoppers, tourists, residents, and crowds of people gathered to see the city’s most prized entertainment.

My thoughts go back to Raya as I look out at Chicago’s city limits. Is she here in the city? Or is she somewhere else? Does she think of me as much as I think of her? Does she even remember me? What if she moved on? If I find her, will she want to stay with me?

No, I have to stay positive and optimistic. I can’t afford to have doubt. I reach up and touch the window as hope fills my soul. If I play my cards right, I can do this. I can save her.

For the next week, I shadow Derrick and follow him wherever he goes. So far, nothing seems too out of the ordinary. He teaches his kickboxing lessons, visits a few bars during the week, and goes back home. I don’t think he has a wife or any children and most of his company appear to be men his age. In the past week, he hasn’t gone anywhere to make my instincts go on alert. Maybe this is a bust…perhaps we’ve got the wrong guy?

It’s Friday night and here I am, standing outside of Derrick’s place, hoping he’s going to make a move. It’s actually a pretty nice neighborhood. Houses with picket fences light up the street at night while kids play outside during the warm summer days.

As I hide in the shadows across the street, I glance at my watch. Ten thirty. Perhaps he’s staying in tonight? I take a look at his house one last time before I head out. At that moment, I see him exit the house and lock the front door. I hide deeper in the shadows, preventing being seen. Derrick walks down the steps of his porch and jumps into his car, revving it to life. He quickly takes off into the street and heads east.

I run up to my rental, get in, and pull out of my parking spot, following Derrick to his destination. We drive northeast on the interstate for about twenty-five minutes before exiting. I make sure I’m at least two cars back so he doesn’t suspect anyone of following him.

I continue to follow him for the next ten minutes as we cruise through the rural streets of Northern Chicago. The quiet neighborhood passes by as we make our way further into the vast hills.

The streets are empty except the two of us, so I decide to pull away slightly and turn off my headlights. I wouldn’t want to get caught now. I watch Derrick turn onto a street a few hundred feet away. As I drive up closer, he parks his car outside of a large brick home with an angled roof and a wraparound porch.

I park my car down the street and watch Derrick enter the house. I gather my camera and cell phone and hop out of the car. I send a quick text to Davis giving him the alert that he was waiting for. I walk up the hill, toward the large house and come upon a set of brick pillars by the front gate. A black metal address plaque is mounted on one of the pillars. The plaque says “Alder Manor”