“Alright man, I’m gonna head out, is that okay?” Sebastian asked, patting Shea’s leg.

“It’s fine,” Shea whispered since he got some of his voice back.

“Okay, give me a call in the morning and let me know what time they are going to discharge you,” he said.

“I will,” Shea agreed.

Shea then got a surprise when Sebastian leaned over and kissed the top of his head. “I’m glad you’re okay, brother,” he murmured before giving Shea’s face a pat and walking out.

Shea was still staring in shock at the door when it opened and Quinn walked in. Quinn gave him a small smile as he walked over to the bed, his hands shoved into his jean pockets.

“Listen, Shea…ah…you, Christian, and Skylar are welcome to stay with Margot and me until you find a new house. We have plenty of room now that we have a house, and I know Margot is dying to get some practice in with handling a baby, so…” Quinn said, trailing off with a shrug.

“Thank you, Quinn. That would be great. I’m sure Christian would agree,” Shea whispered sincerely, giving Quinn a grateful smile.

Quinn nodded. “Great, I’ll make sure the spare rooms are ready for you and Skylar since it looks like you are both going to be freed tomorrow,” he said with a smirk.

Shea smiled. “Okay, thanks again.”

“No problem. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Quinn said then moved in to give Shea a hug.

Shea hugged him back. All of this brotherly affection was making his eyes watery. Quinn left and Shea’s room was suddenly too quiet. He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV before closing his eyes and trying to get some more sleep.

~Chapter 12~

Henry rocked slowly in the glider that was in Adalyn’s room, only he wasn’t holding his daughter, he was holding Christian and Shea’s daughter. She was lying across his chest with her face snuggled up under his neck, passed out cold. Henry knew he should put her in the crib, but he just couldn’t do it yet. The poor thing had been through so much the past few days, and he just wanted to hold her and comfort her.

Shea was with Christian at the hospital. They were going to take him off the ventilator today and bring him out of his medically induced coma. The swelling in his throat had gone down and he should be able to breathe on his own. When Sebastian had called him and told him what was going on, he thought that he was going to be burying his youngest brother and niece. He would never be able to thank Shea enough for what he did, even if it was the stupidest thing he could have ever done.

A light knock on the doorframe brought Henry’s head up. Claire, his beautiful wife, was standing there with a soft smile on her face. She glanced at Skylar and cocked her head to the side, her face softening with love.

“She’s sleeping?” Claire asked quietly, her bright blue eyes lifting to meet his.

“Yeah,” Henry replied and rubbed the baby’s back.

“Is she still wheezing?” Claire asked with a small frown.

“Only slightly, it’s definitely getting better.”

Claire nodded and moved into the room, her strawberry blonde hair braided and hanging over one shoulder. She walked over to Henry and dropped a kiss on his lips before standing next to him with her hand on his shoulder.

“I know Christian and Shea are going to get insurance money for the house, but I don’t know how long it’s going to take for them to get it. I want to give them some money to at least get clothes and other essentials that they’ve lost. Is that okay with you?” Henry asked, looking up at Claire.

“Of course it is, Henry. You didn’t have to ask me,” Claire said.

“We make all money decisions together, this is no different,” he said.

“I know, but Christian is your brother, and I will never go against you helping out your family when they need it,” Claire replied.

Henry smiled. “Thank you, Darlin’.”

“You are very welcome,” she murmured and kissed him again.

“I love you,” Henry whispered against her lips.

“I love you, too.”

Shea showed up at around 9:00 that night to pick up Skylar, then head to Quinn’s, since that’s where they were staying. Shea looked exhausted, both physically and mentally. Claire was feeding Skylar her last bottle of the night in the living room when Shea walked in. Shea smiled at his daughter and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

“How was she?” Shea asked softly.

“Fine, no problems. She’s a good baby,” Henry answered.

Shea nodded. “Yeah, she is,” he agreed, smiling lovingly down at her.

“Shea, can you come into the office for a minute?” Henry asked and motioned with his head in that direction.

“Yeah, sure,” Shea said and followed Henry into the office.

Henry went over to the desk and opened the drawer where he put the envelope of money that he took out of his safe. He then handed Shea the envelope. Shea frowned and eyed it warily.