Shock…Shea was in shock. He opened his mouth a few times to say something but nothing came out. Shea scrubbed his hands over his hair. “This is a nightmare,” he whispered, which was a lot easier on his throat.

“Yes it is,” Sebastian agreed.

“How long have I been out?”

“I would say a good twelve hours,” Sebastian replied. “The doctor gave you something to keep you under for a little while.”

Shea closed his eyes and dropped his head back to his pillow. He covered his face with his hands. “Is the house completely gone?”

“Yes.” Sebastian sighed heavily.

Shea wanted to scream. He had so many emotions building up inside of him right now that he felt like he was going to explode! He had to do something before he burst. He yanked his pillow out from under his head and covered his face with it. He screamed bloody murder until he had no voice left. When he put the pillow back behind his head, he glanced at Sebastian who was smirking at him.

“Feel better?” he asked.

Shea nodded jerkily.

“Okay, how about I go get a nurse and see if you can go visit Christian,” Sebastian suggested and stood.

Shea nodded since his voice was completely gone. Sebastian went to get a nurse, who came in, took out the catheter that he didn’t even realize was in, got him into a wheelchair, and hung his IV on the rack attached to the wheelchair. He wasn’t allowed to walk around on his own, yet. Sebastian pushed him down the hall to Christian’s room.

Sebastian knocked on the closed door of a room a few doors down before opening it and peeking his head in. He then opened the door wider and rolled Shea in. Quinn was sitting next to the bed, his arms crossed over his chest, a blank expression on his face as he stared at Christian. Shea hasn’t seen Quinn look like that in months. Shea turned his attention toward Christian, and thank God he was sitting, because he felt like his knees would have given out on him. Christian was laying there, tubes and wires coming out from everywhere, with machines beeping and clicking. This was his worst nightmare. Quinn glanced up, his expression never changing.

“Shea, how are you?” Quinn asked quietly.

Sebastian rolled Shea over to the side of Christian’s bed. Shea looked at Quinn and shrugged.

“Shea screamed his voice away,” Sebastian said, his lips twitching.

Quinn raised an eyebrow, but that was it. He didn’t say anything, and nothing else on his face changed, it was really freaky. Shea turned his attention back to Christian. He hated seeing him like this. Shea reached forward and slid his hand over Christian’s forearm. His stomach turned when Christian didn’t even so much as twitch. He hung his head, grateful that Christian was alive, but him being unconscious was torture for Shea.

Sebastian stepped up to the bed next to Shea and put his hand on Christian’s blanket covered thigh. “Has he gotten any better?” Sebastian asked Quinn.

Quinn nodded. “The swelling in his throat is starting to go down. The doctor said they should be able to get him off the ventilator in a day or two,” he said quietly.

Shea sagged in relief. That was good news. Now he just needed to find out how Skylar was doing. Shea tapped Sebastian’s leg to get his attention. Sebastian looked down at him and waited.

Shea mouthed, “Skylar,” to Sebastian, who frowned hard in confusion.

“Tiger? What the hell are you trying to say?”

Shea rolled his eyes and mouthed Skylar’s name a couple more times. Sebastian shook his head.

“Tyler? Sky mall? Skeet ball? Dude, I am so not getting what you’re saying.” Sebastian grunted.

Quinn sat on the other side of the bed, covering his mouth to try to hide his smile, but Shea knew he was laughing because his shoulders were shaking. Shea glared at Quinn and motioned for him to help. Quinn cleared his throat.

“Skylar, asshole, he wants you to find out how Skylar is,” Quinn said, and then muttered, “Dumbass.”

“Oooh, I get it now…Skylar…man, you’ve got to work on your pronunciation.” Sebastian snorted and pulled his phone out of his pocket.

Quinn snickered.

Sebastian called Henry and found out that Skylar was doing just fine and might even be discharged tomorrow morning. Shea was so fucking happy about that. Henry said that Claire and he would take care of her for as long as Shea needed, which was so nice of them. Henry and Claire were Skylar’s godparents and named in Shea’s Will as her guardians if something were to happen to Christian and him.

After about an hour of sitting by Christian’s bed, Sebastian took Shea back to his room so that the doctor could check him, and he can get some more rest. The doctor said that he would most likely be discharge tomorrow morning, which he was happy about.