“She got frustrated because she couldn’t understand a damn word you were saying,” Henry retorted.

Sebastian barked out a laugh. Quinn groaned loudly and dropped his head to the back of the couch. Shea and Henry Sr. were trying to hide their smiles. Margot’s eyes flashed furiously as she stomped over to Henry who was smiling smugly with his arms crossed over his chest. This was not going to end well for Henry; Christian had no idea what he was thinking, messing around with Margot.

Christian bounced Skylar, trying to get her to quiet down a bit. He wanted to see how this panned out before leaving the room. Margot stopped in front of Henry, who towered over her.

“Oh, you think you are so funny, Oui?” Margot smiled sweetly.

Henry raised an eyebrow. “Of course I am,” he scoffed.

Margot’s hand flicked out so fast that Christian barely caught it. The next thing Christian knew, Henry was doubled over, one hand cupping his injured balls while the other rested on his knee so he didn’t completely crumple to the floor. All of the men in the room were wincing.

“You bitch,” Henry ground out then gagged loudly. “I was just screwing with you.”

Margot smiled brightly. “I know,” she chirped as she spun away and flipped her hair over her shoulder before walking past Christian and into the kitchen.

Christian chuckled.

“Oh god, I seriously might throw up.” Henry wheezed.

“Not on the rug! Go to the bathroom!” Shea exclaimed.

“I can’t move!” Henry cried.

Adalyn walked over to him, holding onto the coffee table for balance. She patted Henry’s leg, her big blue eyes looking up at him. “Da-Da?”

Henry gave her a tight smile. “Hi, sweetheart.”

Adalyn smiled, showing off her cute little teeth. “Da-Da!”

Henry pulled in a deep breath and blew it out. “Jesus, that hurt,” he grumbled as he straightened up some.

“That’ll teach you to mess with Margot,” Quinn said with a pointed look.

Henry shot him the finger. Christian shook his head at his crazy family and took Skylar into the kitchen to get her a bottle.

~Chapter 11~

The past three months have been a multitude of things for Shea, exhausting being one of them. Skylar was just finally starting to sleep through the night, though. Shea had gone back to work the week after they brought Skylar home. Christian stayed home another two weeks after that to give Henry a chance to find a new assistant. Claire decided to stop working and become the family daycare. Shea and Christian loved her for it. They were both stressing out about putting her into daycare, neither of them wanted to do it. Christian was even considering closing down his studio to become a stay-at-home dad. But Claire announced that she was going to stop working and would take care of the kids. She was an amazing woman. Henry was not overly ecstatic about it, but he didn’t argue with her, which Shea was glad for.

“Shea, come out with us tonight,” his buddy Greg said as he helped Shea put up kitchen cabinets.

“Eh, I don’t know…” Shea hedged.

“Come on, dude, you haven’t come out with us in months,” Dan chimed in. Dan was another one of the guys that worked under him.

“I have a three month old at home,” Shea said defensively.

“I’m sure Christian wouldn’t mind if you came out one night,” Greg said.

“I don’t know.” Shea sighed.

“Just ask, the worst he can say is no,” Dan offered.

Shea rolled his eyes. “Fine.”

Shea got home at around 6:00 pm. He took a shower then sat down with Christian at the table to eat the dinner that he made. Skylar was sleeping in her swing in the living room. Christian made a delicious pasta dish that Shea couldn’t help but scarf down.

“Chris, would you mind if I went out with a few of guys from work tonight?” Shea asked as he spooned another helping into his bowl.

“No, not at all, as long as I get to go out another night,” Christian replied.

“Sure, that’s fine,” Shea agreed.

“Where are you going?” Christian asked curiously.

“Just to Mac’s Tavern, nothing fancy, just going to hang out for a few hours,” Shea told him.

Christian nodded. “Okay.”

So after dinner, Shea helped Christian clean up the kitchen, then he gave him and Skylar a kiss before heading out to the bar to meet up with the guys from work. Shea had told them all about him being bi and the relationship he was in with Christian. Surprisingly, they had all been extremely supportive about it. He was expecting at least one of the guys to be homophobic and have a problem with it, but no, they were all cool.

Shea hadn’t realized how much he had needed to get out. He was definitely more relaxed and de-stressed by the time he left to head home. He would make sure Christian got his night out soon, he was sure he needed it just as badly.