“Fuck,” Shea ground out as he fully seated himself.

Christian let out a strangled moan that had Shea’s balls pulling tight. Shea grabbed the backs of Christian’s thighs and pushed them up higher as he started to thrust. Christian clawed at his chest with one hand as he set a fast and hard-paced rhythm.

“Shea! Jesus…Oh my god, Shea!” Christian panted.

“You gonna come for me, baby?” Shea grunted.

“Fuck…yessss,” Christian moaned, his eyes never leaving Shea’s.

Shea couldn’t remember them ever keeping eye contact this long but it was sexy as hell. Christian cried out, Shea saw his abs tighten in his peripheral. Then Christian was coming and pulsing hard around Shea’s cock. Shea gritted his teeth and slammed into Christian a couple more times before losing it himself. They both panted heavily, still staring into each other eyes.

“Damn, I love you.” Shea breathed, grabbing the back of Christian’s neck and pulling him into a sloppy kiss.

“I love you, too…so much,” Christian whispered between kisses.

After a lot of grunting and groaning, they separated and got cleaned up. Christian then went to call his family and give them the good news. Shea was fucking ecstatic. They had a daughter and she was actually theirs, no need to go through all of the hassle of adopting a baby. Maybe if they ever decided to have more kids, they could find a surrogate and use Christian’s sperm, then they would have a kid from each of them. Shea smiled, he liked that idea.

Christian couldn’t get the smile off of his face. Ever since Shea and he got the news yesterday morning, he could do nothing but smile. Skylar was officially theirs. There was nothing left to worry about; she would never be taken away from them. They could live their lives and love their baby and each other. Life was good. Christian never thought he would ever be so happy.

“I have never seen you smile so much, Chris.” Quinn smirked, wrapping his arm around Christian’s shoulders.

Christian’s whole family was over their house to celebrate, because that’s what the Beck family did whenever there was a cause to celebrate anything. Christian glanced over at his brother.

“I’ve never had a reason,” Christian replied.

Quinn grunted in agreement and gave him a squeeze before moving on to go sit with Margot, who was holding Skylar and cooing to her in French. Shea was talking with Henry, Sebastian, and Henry Sr. Claire and Raelynn were sitting with Anne in the kitchen. Ethan and little Henry were running back and forth from the kitchen to the living room. And both Adalyn and Michael were standing at the coffee table, ripping apart a magazine that was in front of them. Christian has seriously never been so happy in his entire life. Everything has just fallen into place for him.

A pair of arms slipped around his waist as someone came up next to him. Christian lifted his arm and looked over to find his mother smiling up at him. Christian smiled back and put his arm around her shoulders. Anne laid her head on his chest and patted his stomach.

“My baby, I love seeing you so happy,” Anne said quietly.

Christian hummed his agreement as he leaned over and kissed the top of her head.

“I’m so proud of you, Christian. You have really grown into a wonderful man,” Anne said. Christian could actually hear the pride in her voice.

Christian’s heart swelled close to bursting. “Thanks, mom.”

“Give me the little munchkin, you baby hog,” Henry’s deep raspy voice said from across the room.

Christian looked up to see him standing in front of Margot, holding out his hands. Margot was glaring up at him. “Non! You have your own children to hold, I need the practice!” she argued, apparently not wanting to give Skylar up.

“I want to hold Skylar. I’ve held my kids a million times.”

“Non, I am not giving her up,” Margot said, lifting her chin stubbornly.

“Quinn, help me out here.” Henry grunted.

Quinn shook his head and sighed. “Man, don’t drag me into the middle of this.”

“Pussy,” Henry sneered at him.

“Hey!” Quinn frowned, pointing at him. “I like having sex with my wife, thank you very much.”

Anne groaned. “Not something I want to know about. I’m going back into the kitchen,” she muttered as she walked away.

Henry and Margot continued to argue until Skylar started crying. Christian stepped in and took her from Margot. It was time for her to eat now.

“Now look at what you did,” Henry accused Margot.

Margot gasped in outrage and shot to her feet. “Moi? Non! She was fine until you came over here!”

Christian could see the sparkle of amusement in Henry’s green eyes and the subtle twitch of his lips; he thought it was funny to get Margot all riled up. Quinn was pinching the bridge of his nose as he shook his head.