Sebastian ran to the one person he could talk to about anything. Henry. It took him twenty minutes to get to his office and park. He paced in the elevator on the way up. When he got off the elevator, he bypassed the receptionist - who called after him - and jogged down the isle to Henry's office. When he got there he banged on the door.

" Henry! Henry, you in there?!" Sebastian called.

The door swung open and Henry stood there looking confused. " Sebastian?"

Sebastian walked in and Henry shut the door. As soon as the click sounded, Sebastian lost his composure. He covered his face with his hands as the tears started falling. He was such a pussy. Again, crying over a woman who tore his heart out.

" What the hell is going on?" Henry asked worriedly. His hand gripping Sebastian’s shoulder.

" Raelynn...she's been cheating on me," Sebastian croaked from behind his hands.

" What?! Are you sure?" Henry asked in disbelief.

" I just saw her with my therapist. She kissed and hugged him. They were definitely more then friends," Sebastian whispered. He drug his hands down his face then looked at Henry.

" What kind of kiss?" Henry asked gently.

" It was just on the cheek," Sebastian mumbled.

" So why do you think that they're more then just friends?" Henry asked, squeezing Sebastian’s shoulder.

" I don't know. I could feel it," Sebastian croaked.

" Are you sure you weren't just seeing things that weren't actually there because your afraid of your feelings and were subconsciously looking for a reason to run?" Henry asked dubiously.

Sebastian blinked at him, tears running down his face. " What?" he asked stupidly.

Henry sighed and gave Sebastian a pitiful look. " Look,'re my brother and I love you, but you need to get your head out of your ass. It's obvious that you love Raelynn. You are so fucking scared though that any perceived fuck up on Raelynn's part has you running. Did you even let her explain?"

Sebastian shook his head. " No, I was so fucking furious that I just snapped. I told her we were done and got the hell out of there."

Henry shook his head. He went and sat behind his desk. Sebastian took one of the chairs in front of his desk. " I get that you've been hurt. I couldn't even imagine how I would feel if Claire did something like that to me. But the thing is, you have someone amazing in your life and you might have just blown it. I've seen the way Raelynn looks at you and there is no way she would cheat on you," Henry said with such confidence that Sebastian was starting to worry about what he just did.

" What about Victoria?" Sebastian asked. " Did you think she would cheat on me?"

Henry shrugged. " She definitely didn't look at you the way Raelynn does. And she never made you this happy either. I think you need to let Raelynn explain before you write her off."

Sebastian scrubbed his hands over his face and made an aggravated sound. " I need to think about this first."

Henry frowned. " What do you need to think about?"

" Maybe I should just end it anyway," Sebastian muttered.

" Now why the fuck would you do that?" Henry snapped angrily.

Sebastian shook his head, " I thought you would understand," he sighed. " Even if it was a misunderstanding, it made me realize how stupid I've been for letting it get this far. I promised myself that I would never let another woman hurt me. And here I am, crying like a fucking pussy because a woman hurt me. I should just end it now and go back to fucking a different chick every night. At least that way I'm safe from this shit."

" Dammit Sebastian!" Henry shouted. He slammed his fist on the desk, making Sebastian jump.

" Stop being a fucking baby! Boo-fucking-hoo! Victoria cheated on you. Get the fuck over it. You have a woman who is perfect for you and you want to let her go because some bitch hurt you in the past?! Raelynn has done nothing but be there for you when you needed her most. Do you really think she would hurt you like that? For fuck’s sake Sebastian, let your past go so you can move on and live your goddamn life," Henry snapped. His green eyes were hard and pissed off as they stared at Sebastian.

Sebastian blinked at his brother. Well...shit.

" I don't want to hear your fucking sob story anymore. Get outta here, I've got work to do," Henry muttered coldly and waved a dismissive hand.

Struck stupid, Sebastian stood and headed for the door. He left Henry's office building and got in his truck. He sat there for a moment and thought about what Henry had said. His brother had never spoke to him like that before. He was usually understanding and sympathetic. He was pissed now. Pissed at Sebastian because he was acting like an idiot, wasn't he? He was still living in the past. Raelynn could be his future if he just let his past go. He most definitely overreacted at the coffee shop. He needed to talk to Raelynn, but he needed to be alone for a while evaluate his feelings. So Sebastian called Bill, told him what happened. Bill was understanding and said it was fine for him to take the day off. Then Sebastian headed home where he could think in peace.