They've been together for four months now. They had slowly starting to do other things together besides sex, like going on dates. How that started, Sebastian had no idea. But it had, and he was glad that it did because they had such a great time whenever they went out. Sebastian felt like he could be himself around her. He held nothing of his personality back from her. She accepted every part of him. Raelynn was just amazing.

Raelynn worked a lot, and got called into work a lot. She had to leave a few times during their dates. But she always made up for it by staying the night at his place if she could. Sebastian couldn't picture his life without her and that scared him to death. He had promised himself that he was never going to be in this position again - having deep feelings for a woman. The thought of marriage even popped into his head a couple times. He quickly dismissed it. No way! Not gonna happen!

Sebastian stepped into the coffee shop that was down the street from his job. He wanted a muffin and a cup of coffee before going into work. He had just finished paying when he caught a flash of blonde out of the corner of his eye. When Sebastian glanced to the side, he saw Raelynn walking into the coffee shop and heading straight down the isle towards a man sitting at a table next to the windows. Sebastian frowned. Who was she meeting? Was it something for work? She was dressed for work in a suit and her wool jacket.

Sebastian watched. Dread pitted in his stomach as Raelynn neared the man sitting reading a book. Sebastian couldn't see his face because he was looking down, but he just seemed familiar. Finally the guy looked up and Sebastian sucked in a sharp breath. It was Jared! She was meeting Jared in a coffee shop at 9am. What the fuck?! The scene just got worse when Jared stood, gave her a warm, almost loving, kiss on the cheek then a tight hug.

Sebastian's heart pounded. What was he seeing? He had known that they knew each other. Raelynn had called Jared her friend. But what if they were more then friends? Could Raelynn be messing around with Jared while she was with Sebastian? Was Sebastian the other guy? Sebastian's anger spiked. How could she do this to him? After everything he'd been through! She had known everything! He told her everything! And Jared, that fucking asshole! After everything Sebastian had admitted to yesterday. Jared was running around behind Sebastian's back, fucking his woman this entire time!!!

Sebastian hadn't even realized he moved until he was shoving Jared to the floor. Jared’s wide green eyes stared up at him in shock. But Sebastian didn't know if he was shocked to find himself on the floor or that he had been caught.

" Sebastian!" Raelynn cried. " What are you doing?!" she squawked and moved to help Jared up.

Sebastian swung around to glare daggers at her, stopping her dead. " How could you do this to me?!" Sebastian bit out through clenched teeth. His nostrils flared from the force of his breaths. His hands shook with the anger coursing through him.

Raelynn's mouth worked but nothing came out. She looked at him in confusion. " What are you talking about?" she finally asked. She glanced at Jared, who was getting to his feet.

" Don't give me that shit! I saw your little exchange! How long have you been fucking him?!" Sebastian shouted, pointing at Jared. Raelynn gasped in what looked like shock.

" Whoa! Sebastian, you got the wrong idea," Jared said in his soothing voice that usually calmed Sebastian down. Right now, it just pissed him the fuck off.

Sebastian turned and gripped Jared up by his shirt. He pulled him up so that they were nose to nose. " You shut the fuck up! I trusted you! And this is what you do to me?!" he snarled, shaking him.

Sebastian shoved Jared away. Jared stumbled back into a table, ending up on the floor again.

" Sebastian..." Raelynn started, her voice pleading.

" Don't! This is exactly why I didn't want to get this close to another woman! You're all the fucking same! Damnit! I can't believe I've been so blind," he said with a bitter laugh. " After everything I've been through...this was the last thing I needed Raelynn," Sebastian choked, his emotions threatening to break him down.

Raelynn had tears running down her face. " Please, just listen for a minute..."

" NO! We're done! I can't...we're done," Sebastian hissed as he backed away.

Sebastian forgot all about his coffee as he practically ran out of there. He also ignored the stares from the other customers. The pain was threatening to bring him to his knees. He choked back a sob as his heart shattered into pieces. That was twice now that a woman he loved cheated on him. Aw fuck, did he just say the L-word?! Jesus Christ! Sebastian couldn't handle this right now. He had finally healed and now he was falling apart all over again. Sebastian raced to his truck, the cold October wind slapping him in the face. As soon as he got in and started it, he peeled away from the curb. He couldn't work today. He'd call Bill after he calmed down.