Page 44 of A Well-Read Woman

16. Jan-Pieter Barbian, The Politics of Literature in Nazi Germany: Books in the Media Dictatorship (New York City: Bloomsbury, 2010), pp. 23–25.

17. Hans Jürgen Friederici, “Bücherverbote und Bücherverbannung in der Buchstadt Leipzig” [Book bans and book banishment in the book city of Leipzig], Verbrannt, verboten, verbannt. Vergessen? [Burned, forbidden, exiled. Forgotten?], Kolloquium zum 60. Jahrestag der Bücherverbrennung von 1933 (Leipzig, Germany: Rosa-Luxemburg-Verein, 1995), p. 33.

18. “Lesung zum tag der Bücherverbrennung 1933” [Reading on the day of the book burning, 1933], May 25, 2016,

19. RR oral history, USHMM.

20. Barbian, The Politics of Literature in Nazi Germany, pp. 13–14.

21. Barbian, The Politics of Literature in Nazi Germany, p. 180.

22. Barbian, The Politics of Literature in Nazi Germany, p. 13.

23. Guenter Lewy, Harmful and Undesirable: Book Censorship in Nazi Germany (New York City: Oxford University Press, 2016), pp. 37–38.

24. RR diary, July 8, 1939.


1. RR oral history, USHMM.

2. RR oral history, USHMM.

3. Letter from Jakob Gross to the Rappaport family, May 1, 1938, RRC, USHMM.

4. Ruth Rappaport, “Curriculum Vita,” circa 1958, RRC, USHMM.

5. Guy Rosner, in discussion with the author, July 28, 2014.

6. RR oral history, USHMM.

7. RR diary, April 30, 1939.

8. The Chaluzisch movement was a Zionist pioneer movement.

9. RR diary, May 27, 1939.

10. RR diary, May 8, 1939.

11. Leo Rubinstein, US naturalization record, 1942,; 1/79 STA Leipzig Polizeipräsidium Leipzig –S- number 3207, Saxony State Archives, Leipzig, Germany; Sarah Deborah Rubinstein file, Landeshilanstalt Altscherbitz Mental Hospital records 20047, file 03814, Saxony State Archives.

12. RR diary, December 31, 1936. The Miriam mentioned here is probably a friend, not Ruth’s sister Mirjam.

13. RR diary, April 20, 1939, and January 8, 1940.

14. RR diary, April 20, 1939.

15. RR diary, April 20, 1939.

16. RR diary, April 20, 1939.

17. RR diary, May 27, 1939.

18. Willingham, Jews in Leipzig, pp. 43–49.

19. RR oral history, USHMM.

20. RR diary, December 31, 1941.