Page 43 of A Well-Read Woman

14. RR oral history, USHMM.

15. RR diary, November 16, 1941.

16. Sig Cohen and Laurie Solnik, in discussion with the author, April 16, 2013.

17. Ruth Rappaport, “Curriculum Vita,” written for restitution documentation records, circa 1958, RRC, USHMM.

18. RR oral history, USHMM.

19. RR oral history, USHMM.

20. Personal documents folder, RRC, USHMM.

21. RR diary, April 20, 1939.

22. RR oral history, USHMM.

23. Letter from Ruth Rappaport to “Whom It May Concern,” undated, concerning Miriam Schneider’s will, Peter Bartis personal collection.

24. DW staff, “Leipzig Celebrates Long Literary History,” DW, March 13, 2008,

25. RR oral history, USHMM.

26. Sabine Knopf, Der Leipziger Gutenbergweg: Geschichte und Topographie einer Buchstadt [The Leipzig Gutenberg path: history and topography of a book city] (Beucha, Germany: Sax-Verlag, 2001), p. 191.

27. RR oral history, USHMM.


1. RR oral history, USHMM. Hitler made many visits to Leipzig during his time in power; it is unclear when exactly Ruth saw him.

2. Acceptance letter, April 25, 1933, restitution documentation records, RRC, USHMM.

3. Willingham, Jews in Leipzig, pp. 38–39.

4. Ruth Rappaport, “Curriculum Vita,” circa 1958, RRC, USHMM. Ruth did not explain why she had to briefly return to her elementary school after Jews were banned; perhaps it was because of overcrowding.

5. RR oral history, USHMM.

6. Hillel Shechter, testimony, Yad Vashem Archive, no. 03 9059, Yad Vashem [The World Holocaust Remembrance Center], Jerusalem, Israel,

7. Willingham, Jews in Leipzig, pp. 39–40.

8. Report cards, personal documents, 1929–1938, RRC, USHMM.

9. RR diary, May 8, 1939.

10. RR diary, May 27, 1939.

11. RR oral history, USHMM.

12. Letter from Der Regierungspräsident der Entschädigungsbehörde [District Governor of the Reparations Authority] to United Restitution Organization (URO), June 12, 1963, restitution documentation records, RRC, USHMM.

13. RR diary, May 27, 1939.

14. Restitution documentation records, March 24, 1959, RRC, USHMM.

15. Willingham, Jews in Leipzig, p. 63.