“Sorry, honey, but I’m going to have a bit of a hard time believing you. At least you’ve spared me the argument of admitting it. I’m going to need proof.”

“I warned you,” she snapped. I shook her hard and let go as she started sobbing before falling back onto the bed. “And I warned you, Eileen. Don’t make me this monster, because, for her, I will be. I’ll fucking kill you right now!”

“Please, Devin. I saw you leaving her house yesterday and I—”

“Another man just left your bed, Eileen. Spare me the jealous act.” Holding her down on the mattress, I hovered over her. All I saw was fear. “I’m back for good. You’ve taken away my only chance at happiness. You get your wish. This will be a marriage again, but I can’t say the nature of it will be desirable.” She looked away from me as I gripped her chin, forcing her to look at me, her eyes wide as I hovered. “The minute she dies, you do, too. Now tell me, honey, do you believe me?”

“Devin, I’m sorry. I only wanted you to stop seeing her. I told you, you can have indiscretions, just not—”

“Unh uh, Eileen, now I only want you.” I slid my hands slowly down her sides and gripped her hips, sure I would leave bruises. She began sobbing hysterically, and I let her go, without an ounce of remorse. The switch had been flipped, and I couldn’t shut it off. She cowered under my glare as I nailed myself to her mentally. “You’re done, you’ve sunk yourself, it’s over.”

She wanted me as a husband, well by God hubby was home.

“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”

? Sun Tzu



After Aaron was situated, comfortably recovering from surgery, I messaged Taylor to meet me at the hospital entrance. I had hardly slept, too revved up on pain meds and the aftermath of the day’s events. I’d spent the better part of my night pacing the floor at Aaron’s side. At four A.M., a nurse took pity on me, sliding a second bed into the room and making me comfortable enough to lie down. I still hadn’t managed to slip off, constantly looking outside the glass in the door for Cedric. I’d managed only a few hours on exhaustion alone.

I walked outside of the hospital against Cedric’s request. I needed the air, due to the constant noise inside of the busy entrance making me more anxious. The thunderous rumble of an engine had me jumping out of my skin as a long, sleek, blacked-out muscle car came into view before stopping suddenly. I looked to Cedric who seemed perfectly calm, sure he was misreading the situation, and felt the dread overwhelm me when I unbelievably watched Taylor exit the driver’s side.

What in the hell?

She stood with the door open, tapping her fingers on the hood. “Come on, boss.” I was sure this was some sort of joke but played along, taking a seat beside her. We shot out of the parking lot, minus one Cedric, who assured me I was in good hands.

“Taylor,” I said, lifting the ass end of her name in question.

“Boss,” she answered back with a smile. “Open the glove compartment.”

I did as prompted and saw a gun the size of a small cannon nestled comfortably in black velvet.

“That’s Leroy Brown,” she introduced. “And I’m sure you know his rep.”

“Baddest in the whole damn town,” I finished for her. “Is this a joke to you?”

She looked at me seriously, momentarily taking her eyes off the road. “Not at all.”

“She tried to kill me, Taylor.” I was irritable and in a lot of pain. Popping two more of my pills, I decided I would need a shower sooner than later. My mouth was dry, and I could feel my skin starting to crawl.

“So what, someone makes an attempt on your life, and you go crawling under a rock? Not happening.”

“Well, I sure as hell am not going to walk around with a target on my back!” Taylor was speeding, and I buckled my belt, making her chuckle. “What’s with the Knight Rider?”

“It’s my taste,” she offered simply.

“Okay, correct me if I’m wrong here, but isn’t this like, a man’s car?”

“I’ll forgive you for that … eventually. We’re here.” She pulled into the parking lot, and I looked at the sign. It was a sporting goods store. “First we get your license then I teach you how to shoot.”

“Taylor, I don’t feel comfortable with a gun.” She pulled opened the glove box and grabbed her pistol then pointed it right at my head.

“Are you fucking crazy!” I sat still, completely sure that my time was up, that I had somehow mistook Taylor for someone I could trust. Trembling from head to toe, her face gave away nothing as I braced myself for certain death. After only a few seconds, she questioned me.

“Now, would you feel more comfortable with a gun?”