“Jesus Christ, you’re fired!” I shrieked, pulling my head away from the barrel. She turned it to the side, examining it.

“Safety was on, and you can’t fire me. I’m now your co-chair. You wanted to know who I am, well, this is part of it. I’m not going to sugarcoat shit, and it’s time you took better care of yourself. Lesson one: when someone is threatening your life, make sure you have a big goddamn gun, and you know how to use it.”

“That was unforgivable!” I yelled, my adrenaline still pumping through me at an all-time high.

“Nina, you are not a weak woman.” Furious, I sat as she tried to reason with me. “Do you want to rely on others to take care of this situation, or do you want to have a say in your own fate if push comes to shove?”

Stunned, I sat, twisting my hands in my lap as she continued. “You leave your fate in the hands of other people, they are bound to let you down.”

Don’t I know it.

“Who let you down, Taylor?”

She smiled and gave me a wink. “Nice try.”

Still a bit furious with her scare tactic, I followed her into the store, completely terrified by my new revelation, and just a little bit in awe of my new partner. Clearing my head, I focused as much as I possibly could as I filled out the necessary paperwork while Taylor browsed through a glass case catalog of shiny protective metal. I’d never really had an opinion on guns, never had to. Never thought I would be in the situation to form one. Suddenly I was pro shiny protective metal. She looked up at me every once in a while in reassurance. I took deep breaths as the clerk walked me through the various pieces of information as Taylor ordered several guns she thought would be a good fit for me.

A gun for me. A fucking gun!

Back inside Knight Rider, I felt a little more at ease and began to relax for the first time in twenty-four hours.

“Taylor, what am I missing here? Why would Cedric leave me with you?”

“I’ve known him all my life. He knows if I can’t outrun them, I can outshoot them.”

“Where the hell are you from?”

“Tennessee.” I barked out a laugh as she gave me a stern look. “Trust me, it was the Wild West.”

I frowned, completely lost in my thoughts, and found myself drooling on her car window as she slid to a stop in front of the hospi

tal. I’d slipped off somehow and was now cupping the drool from my chin to gather myself. I turned to see Taylor amused.

“Well, thank you, Taylor, for a terrifying yet informative experience.” I turned to her with a wink, my hand on the door handle.

“I would never hurt you, Nina.” Pressing my lips together, I attempted to stifle my tears but failed. Her eyes softened slightly.

“Trust Cedric, steer clear of the office until he gives you the okay, and try to rest. Your brother needs you. The office doesn’t.”

“Does it ever need me?” I smiled as she chuckled. “Get out, your brother needs you.” I watched her speed away as Cedric escorted me back inside.

“Tennessee was the Wild West, huh?” Cedric simply smiled as he led me back to Aaron.

And that was the completion of day two in an alternate universe.



Every second that ticked by was agony. I waited for a report from a few men I’d hired to watch over Nina. They’d made me aware she had hired guards of her own. She was doubly protected, and it did absolutely nothing to help me. She wouldn’t leave Charleston, I knew that much. She wouldn’t leave her brother’s side.

All of this was on me. I was dealing with it, but it didn’t make it easier to stay in this house, sleep next to Eileen, and watch her every move. I didn’t let her out of my sight, not even for a private moment. I’d confiscated her phone the minute I’d returned home. It was beginning to wear on her, I could tell. Eventually, she’d give in and want her freedom back, so I bided my time.

“Going somewhere?” I peeked around my newspaper and stared at her as she scurried down the hall to reach the front door. She would never be fast enough.

Shoulders slumped, she faced me. “Devin, I have an appointment. You can’t keep me prisoner in my own home!”

“Sorry, dear, those are the breaks. Besides, I’ve invited your mother over for lunch.”