ll impact of how unhappy I was. “I got him the apartment. Cal’s my liquor supplier.”

“Oh yeah? How long has he been your supplier?” Kin asked over my head.

Harris was still watching me closely as he answered her. “A few months now. Cal can get me a few things the other guy couldn’t.”

“Hmm, well good for Cal,” Kin sneered.

“What’s with you, babe?” Jace questioned, pulling his girlfriend close, and if she hadn’t been holding on to my hand, I probably would have missed the way she trembled against him.

“Remember the slimeball I was telling you about?” He nodded, and I could feel the spark in the air around us as she lifted a hand toward Cal. “Meet Mr. Sleazebag Creeperton.”

“No fucking way,” Jace growled in a voice I’d never heard from him before. I pulled Kin away from him as his eyes became wild.

Harris turned to stone on my other side, and I lifted my gaze to meet his eyes. “This is the guy who has been harassing you and Kin?”

I shrugged. “He hasn’t really said anything to me. Just makes me uncomfortable. But yeah, he’s harassed Kin.”

“And Kassa,” Jace snarled.

Oh, shit.

I hadn’t known Cal was doing the same to Jace’s sister. My eyes darted from Harris across the room and straight to where Gray Knight was drinking beers with his friends Kale and Sin. They stood by a table where Jenna, Angie, and Kassa were sitting and laughing together. Even as I looked at Gray, I watched him tear his eyes from Kassa and turn them to Kale, but seconds later, they were back on her again. It was a little heartbreaking for me to watch them. Kassa and Gray were best friends, but I could see there was something more. Only neither of them seemed willing to change that.


Barb, the cooler head in our little group, tried to defuse the tension we could all feel was simmering. “I’m not sure what’s going on, but maybe we could take this outside so the happy couple’s special night isn’t ruined.”

“Barb’s right. I think we should definitely take this outside,” Jace gritted out.

Cal, seeming immune to the atmosphere now, grinned like he didn’t have a care in the world. “What? You want to punch me in the face for talking to a little piece of ass?” His eyes raked over Kin then me, and I knew someone was about to get hurt.


I closed my eyes and held my breath, waiting for it to all be over.

Just breathe.

I felt someone move, heard the sound of skin hitting skin and a loud thump as Cal hit the floor at my feet.

The entire room was suddenly deathly quiet, and all I could hear was the sound of my own breathing.

“Shit,” Barb muttered.

Just. Breathe.

Chapter 2


“…perfect tits … piece of ass…”

Those words kept echoing in my head as I glared down at Cal’s motionless body at Lucy’s feet. I hadn’t dealt with Cal all that much personally, just enough to be friendly in passing whenever he came in to First Bass to have me sample some new products his company was trying out with their other clients. Barb mostly dealt with him since I had stepped back a little from the club to spend more time with Lucy. When Cal said he had broken up with his latest fuckbuddy a few months back, I had let him know that a few apartments in my building were available for rent.

That had been the end of it. I’d had no idea which apartment he’d rented other than that he had indeed gotten one of the three. Hadn’t even suspected he was the motherfucker who was making Lu uncomfortable to so much as ride the damn elevator alone, not to mention talking so lewdly to Kassa and Kin, and even Jenna a few times.

Realizing I was the one who had put this sleazebag in their path was killing me, but I was going to remedy that, and soon. It would take a few phone calls, but I would find out who was renting to Cal and have his ass out of my building by the end of the week. Because if this sorry piece of shit ever looked at Lucy like he just had again, I was going to do more than knock his ass out.

I’d kill the motherfucker.