“Barb, find me a new liquor supplier. And make sure this idiot’s boss knows why we won’t be doing business with them ever again,” I barked.

“Sure thing,” she assured me, stepping over Cal’s prone body with a disgusted twist of her lips.

“Harris.” Lucy’s voice was calm, but when she touched my throbbing hand, I felt her fingers trembling. Lowering my eyes to her, I watched as she carefully stroked her thumb over my knuckles, and I realized I had split the skin across them.

“What the fuck is going on?” Jesse Thornton’s voice boomed as he and my dad came over to us. The loudness of his voice only emphasized to me how quiet the rest of the room was. With this many people in the same room, that was a feat all its own, and I mentally cursed the scene I had caused at our engagement party. But I didn’t regret knocking that sonofabitch out for a single second

“Nothing,” I muttered.

“Nothing? Son, you just knocked this guy out.” Dad’s eyes scanned over the rest of us. “Want to clue us in as to why?”

“I didn’t like the words coming out of his fucking mouth,” I snapped, wishing Dad would just shut the fuck up about it. I wanted this over, wanted that piece of shit out of here so I could forget about his ass and get back to what was really important. Celebrating with my future wife. “So I shut him up.”

The two drummers shared a look then shrugged. “Right,” Jesse said with a nod, seeming calm as hell, like this wasn’t a big deal. Like he dealt with this shit all the time. Back before he had married Layla, that was pretty damn close, but not now. “Well, we’ll just get this cleaned up for you, boy.” Bending, they each grabbed an arm.

“Wait.” Jace stopped them before they could drag a still unconscious Cal away. I didn’t have to look at my friend to know just how pissed he was. He’d been ready to knock that fucker out too. I’d just beat him to it. “Let me and Gray help you with that. Gray!” he called over.

Dad chuckled as Gray jogged over and picked up one of Cal’s legs. “Sure, boys. The more, the merrier. Like old times, eh, Jess?”

“Yeah, man. But I’m starting to remember why this shit got so old fast. Bodies are damn heavy when you gotta carry their dead weight.”

I could feel everyone’s eyes on me, but I kept my own trained on Lucy’s bent head. She was being quiet, too quiet. “Lu?”

“I don’t think you need stitches,” she murmured calmly as she continued to examine my hand. If it weren’t for her still trembling fingers, I wouldn’t have realized just how much the scene had affected her. She lifted her head, but she looked up at me through her lashes. “Come with me to the bathroom so I can clean you up.”

“Lucy?” Layla called out as Lucy led me toward the bathrooms.

“Harris, are you okay?” Natalie took a step toward us, but I lifted my free hand to ward her off and shot her a look that told her now wasn’t the best time. I didn’t want to have to explain to my stepmother why I’d just ruined my own engagement party. All I wanted was to get Lucy away from this crowd and find out if she was okay.

She had been unusually quiet during most of the exchange with Cal, and that wasn’t like her. I didn’t know if she was just upset I had invited the bastard to the party or if she was keeping something from me. My girl usually came out swinging when stupid idiots like Cal said shit like he had. Hell, she’d nearly broken her hand at First Bass when some guy had tried to talk to her like that.

Outside the bathrooms, she glanced behind us to make sure no one had followed and then pulled me into the women’s bathroom. The room was empty, and she locked the door as soon as it was shut before tugging me over to the sinks and turning on the warm water. She released me to grab a few paper towels and dampened them.

I watched her work on cleaning my knuckles, trying to figure out if I should be apologizing or demanding she tell me what was going through her head.

“Lu…” I started b

ut stopped when she lifted her head. Our eyes locked, and my lips twitched with the beginnings of a smirk at the banked need I saw shining out of her brown eyes. “Fuck, sweetness. Why didn’t you say something? I would have taken care of you.” I took the paper towels from her and tossed them in the trash can behind me before grabbing her by the waist and lifting her onto the sink.

Her fingers fisted in my jacket and pulled me closer. I had to bend my knees to give her what she wanted, but as soon as my lips were close enough, she made that damn little whimpering sound, and I knew it was game over. That sound told me she was aching, and I couldn’t let her hurt.

Lifting her with one arm, I pulled the skirt of her dress up over her hips then tugged her panties down. As soon as her perfect ass was planted on the tiled top again, I was cupping the sweet heat of her pussy. When I thrust two fingers into her tightness, she made that damn whimpering sound again, and I touched my lips to hers. “Try to be quiet for me, sweetness. Too many ears here for you to give me those little screams like when we’re at home.”

Her fingers started working on my belt. “Can’t make any promises,” she panted as she easily undid my button before reaching inside my boxers and cupping her silky fingers around my throbbing cock.

I closed my eyes and pressed my forehead against hers. “We shouldn’t do this here,” I groaned, trying to hold on to my control. I would get her off, and then we could go back to the party. Or home. Fuck, I wanted to take her home so damn badly.

“I need you. Now,” she whispered with the smallest trace of a sob. “I missed you all day, and then seeing the way you dropped that asshole out there… I’m so wet for you, Harris. I need you so fucking much right now.” I thrust a third finger into her, felt her stretch and then clench around them. “Please!”

One word. That single word had the power to turn off the sane part of my brain and give her what she wanted. I was risking her parents—and my own—hearing us, but not even the thought of the death that possibly awaited me if Jesse Thornton heard the noises I could pull from his daughter as she came all over my cock could stop me.

I groaned and tugged her hips to the edge of the sink. She was still stroking my cock and rubbed the tip over her wet lips. “Fucking hell.”

“Shh,” she whispered with a sly little smile. “Don’t want anyone to hear us, remember.”

“Right now, I don’t care if the goddamn pope hears, Lu.” I cupped her tits through her dress in both hands. They fit so perfectly in my palms, as if her body had been made for me and me alone. And it had been, because I sure as fuck wasn’t ever going to let another man have so much as a taste of her perfection.

The first thrust into her had us both holding our breaths. Our gazes locked and everything around us disappeared. I didn’t see the mirror behind her or the rose-colored walls. All I saw was the way her pupils dilated as I moved inside of her, the way her lips parted as she panted and then bit into the plump flesh of the bottom one as she whimpered. I didn’t hear the soft music playing overhead. I was deaf to every sound but those little sounds of pleasure that were like a physical stroke down my spine.