“What time will you get there?” But what I really wanted to ask was, Where the fuck are you going?

She glanced at the digital clock on the table on my side of the bed. “Shouldn’t be any later than six or seven Vegas time,” she assured me. She wrapped her arms around my waist and tilted her head back to grin up at me. “I hope you have a great time this weekend. But if you end up in jail, I’m gonna be pissed.”

“Best way to keep me out of jail is to tie me to the bed,” I half joked. “Then I can be at your mercy all weekend, and you won’t have to worry about having to bail me out.”

She smirked up at me. “Yeah, but I’m willing to bail you out so you can have this experience.” She stepped up onto her tiptoes, but I still had to lower my head so she could kiss me. Her lips barely touched mine before she was standing flat on her feet again, and her expression turned serious. “Babe, I know you’re not one hundred percent into going, but I don’t want you to miss out on your bachelor party. You’ll always regret it if you don’t go.”

“I would never regret choosing to stay home in bed with you over anything else.”

“Aw, that’s so sweet. But you can do that any other weekend.” She stepped back, picked up the carry-on and handed it over, before pushing me toward our bedroom door. “Now, go. I need to pack for myself.”


“Love you!” she called out, ignoring my imploring tone as she walked into the closet again. “Have fun!”

Biting back a slew of curses, I slammed the door. Marcus, who was sitting on the couch flipping through channels, looked up as I stomped toward the front door. “Problems?” he questioned with a side smile, which, for that guy, was like a full-on grin.

“She’s such a pain in the ass at times,” I grumbled. “Don’t let her out of your sight all weekend.”

He nodded. “That was my plan. Enjoy your weekend. Don’t get arrested. She’s not going to be happy if she has to cut her weekend short to come bail you out of jail.”

“So I’ve been told.” The doorbell rang, and I opened the door to find Jace standing on the other side alone. “Where’s Gray? I thought he was going with us.”

“He’s taking a later flight out,” my friend said in a huff. “You ready?”

I tossed my carry-on’s strap over my shoulder. “Yeah. Let’s go before I change my mind.”

Downstairs, Kale, Cash, and Sin were already waiting in the back of a yellow taxi van. They all seemed pumped up about the trip, including Jace. On the drive to the airport, Sin produced several flasks and started passing them around. By the time we got checke

d in, I was feeling a little mellower. The wait for our flight wasn’t long, but we still stopped at one of the bars for another round of drinks.

Nat had booked our flight, so we had most of the first-class section to ourselves. The five of us spent the flight being annoyingly loud and drinking way too much. When the wheels touched down in Vegas, I wasn’t even thinking about what Lucy had planned for the weekend, which was probably the guys’ plan.

We got checked in at the hotel, and the drinking only escalated after that. Instead of going out, we stayed in and had our own private poker game. The fridge in our kitchenette was stocked with enough beer to satisfy an entire army, which would probably last us the rest of the night if we were lucky.

“Jace, your damn phone is annoying the fuck out of me,” Sin bitched as he grabbed for the noisy device on the large table sitting in the middle of the living room in our huge-ass suite. “Who the fuck keeps calling you? Kin?”

Before Sin could even touch the phone, Jace snatched it up. I wasn’t even trying to look at it, but I saw the screen as Jace sent the caller to voice mail. It wasn’t Kin. There wasn’t even a name on the ID, but the number was an area code I didn’t recognize.

“Why does a number you don’t know keep calling you?” I asked before I could stop myself.

“I know the number,” he bit out before lifting his bottle of beer to his mouth.

“Then who the fuck is it?” He didn’t say a word, and my eyes narrowed. “Are you cheating on Kin?”

“Fuck no!” he yelled, tossing his cards on the table in front of him. “What the fuck? Why would you think that?”

The others stared at him like he’d lost his mind. “Because you’ve been acting shady since the summer tour,” Cash supplied for him.

“Because you’re more of a moody sonofabitch than I am the majority of the time,” Sin offered.

“Because your girlfriend thinks you are,” Kale informed him.

The last part had Jace’s entire face turning three different shades of white. “I’m not fucking cheating on Kin. Who told you that shit, Kale?”

“Santana tells me everything. The girls talk.” He nodded his head in my direction. “Right, Harris?”

“Yeah, man. Kin tells Lucy everything, and they don’t even try to hide what they’re talking about from me. She didn’t think it at first. For months, she tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. But you not talking to her has made her unable to assume anything but that you’re cheating.”