“But she hasn’t said anything to me…” He glared down at his phone. “She hasn’t said a single word.”

“Probably because you haven’t said much either,” Cash said with a shrug. “Do you two even talk these days? Or do you just sit around glaring off into space?”

“Screw you, Cash,” he snapped. “You don’t know shit.”

“You’re right. I don’t know anything. None of us fucking does, especially not Kin who deserves to know everything going on in your life.”

“She does know everything.” But even as drunk as we were, we could still hear the lie.

“Sure, she does,” Sin said with a nod. “Just like she knows that’s a chick who keeps calling from that 786 area code. So who is this girl you’re risking losing your girlfriend over?”

“None of your fucking business,” he snapped. “How do you even know it’s a chick?”

“Well, 786 is a Miami area code,” Sin told Cash. “Pretty sure that’s when he started acting like he’d been abducted by aliens and became another person.”

“Yeah, that sounds about right,” Cash agreed.

“Saw Jace here having a heated conversation with some blond chick at that Petrova party we all had to suffer through,” Sin went on, talking only to Cash, ignoring the sudden dangerous tension that was filling Jace. I listened to Sin’s words, but I kept my eyes on my friend. “I didn’t think much of it at the time. Jace, with some random slut? Cheating on Kin when he acted like his world was falling apart at his feet when he had to leave her at home? Nah, man. I didn’t even think that. But there was something about the girl that didn’t make sense to me then.”

“What was that?”

“I could have sworn she was Kassa’s twin. Not like an identical twin, the hair was different, the skin tone off. And she didn’t have those sweet, kind eyes like our Kassa. But from behind, they could have passed for sisters.” Jace’s face twisted in what to my drunk eyes looked like disgust…and guilt. “I’d have put her at six, maybe eight years older than Kassa.”

“I don’t remember her,” Cash said with a frown. “Was she with someone?”

“I think one of the guys handing out the coke and Molly like it was candy.”

“Fuck, you hooked up with a drug dealer’s girlfriend?” Kale shouted. “Are you out of your fucking mind? Why would you turn your back on a girl as good as Kin for a bitch like that?”

“I didn’t turn my back on Kin!” he roared. “And don’t talk about Eden like that. Leave her out of this.”

“Eden? So that’s her name.” Sin nodded. “Suits her, I guess. Kassa’s hotter, though.”

Jace jerked to his feet, nearly knocking over his chair in the process. “Shut the fuck up, Sin. Leave my sister alone. If Gray were here, he would have already knocked your ass out.”

“For saying she’s hot? Nah, man, he knows she’s smokin’. He was smart enough to put a ring on her finger too. Something you should have done already with Kin.”

“Fuck off, Sin,” Jace snarled and walked away. The sound of one of the bedroom doors slamming told us he was most likely done for the night. Meaning more beer for the rest of us.

“Where is Gray anyway?” Kale asked me. “Wasn’t he supposed to come tonight?”

I shrugged and gathered all the cards to shuffle. “Jace only told me he was taking a later flight. Maybe he’s coming tomorrow.”

“Is Caleb coming out tomorrow too?” Cash asked.

“That’s what Lu told me.” I pulled my phone from my jeans pocket. The last text she had sent was letting me know she was at her hotel and was about to go out with the girls. I had no idea where she was, but I knew Marcus would watch out for her. I sent her a heart-eyed emoji and one blowing a kiss.

“Let’s go out tomorrow,” Kale suggested. “I know a place where we’ll have a good time.”

“Let’s go to a strip club,” Sin told him. “I’m tired of looking at your ugly faces. I want to see some pussy tomorrow night.”

“I’d rather just gamble and drink,” I told him honestly.

“Ah, come on, man. You don’t want to get married without one last hurrah, do you?” Kale asked with a frown. “I mean, are you ready to see Lucy’s pussy and only Lucy’s pussy for the rest of your life?”

“Stop talking ’bout my girl’s pussy,” I growled. “And yeah. I am in love with that fuckin’ pussy. I don’t need to see any other pussy ever again.”

“Good answer,” Cash chuckled. “But she’s not here right now, man. You can be honest with us. We’re your boys. We’ve got your back.”