To my band director, Marty Clark, for telling me my eighth grade year that I was trying out for color guard and not accepting the answer that I was trying out for cheerleading. LOL Some of my best memories come from those four years I was in marching band, even if I didn’t play an instrument. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without it. So much of the discipline in my life comes from then. And last, I’m not sure how many innocent bull horns and cordless microphones lost their lives during those years, but it was so worth it.

To my English I and English III teacher, Tammy Jones. Thank you for always being open to see things the way I did. Thanks for not trying to commit me to the state hospital when I said that Romeo and Juliet were stupid to kill themselves over a petty teenage romance. Also the fact that I thought Van Gogh, though misguided, was a lot more romantic because he was a real person who had to walk around with a messed up ear from his declaration of love.

Both of you shaped so much during that period of my life and I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.

Not to mention the stories from you guys being neighbors was hilarious.

Ms. Jones. Attack of the rain frogs. Screaming like someone was murdering her, to the point Mr. Clark runs out of his house and the VP who lived on the other side comes running out also. LMBO.



“You wanted to see me, Coach?” I nervously ask as I enter his office.

“Take a seat, Atwood,” he says, motioning to the black chair on the other side of his desk. Clasping his hands together, he rests on his elbows. “Son, you are aware that with you starting as our quarterback this year that we have a real shot at State?” I nod as he continues. “Don’t you think this school, hell, this town deserves the chance to host that honor?” I nod again. “Well, how are we going to manage to do that if I have to bench you for grades?” I shrug my shoulders forward. “Well, the answer is we won’t. I know a great group moved up to Varsity with you this year and that’s the reason we could be great, but you’re their leader. I know Prescott is the Captain, but mainly because he’s the only senior. He’s a great player, but it’s not the same level of playing. You are calling the plays and taking the snaps, so it’s your job to lead this team. Now, the only teacher that has come to me so far is your Geometry teacher. Any others I should be expecting?”

I sigh. “Mrs. Jones, my English teacher,” I say, looking at my lap.

He nods. “All right, here is what we are going to do.” He stands up. “Prescott! Come in here!”

James Prescott sticks his head in the doorway. “Yeah, Coach?”

“You have a player here who needs a tutor for Geometry and English II. I’m counting on you as a leader to help him find one. NOT one to do it for him, one to help him,” Coach Fagan says sternly.

James nods. “Got it, Coach. I’ll see what I can find.”

He points across the desk with two fingers at me. “Go get a damn shower, then first thing tomorrow you get up with Prescott and see what he’s figured out.”

I stand and nod. “Yes, Coach.” As I make my way through the crimson and gray locker room, I get several fist bumps from the guys. I really hope James is able to find someone to help. It’d be great if she’s hot.

Standing in the cream colored tile shower, I look around at the random spouts sticking out of the wall and cringe at the mildew growing in the corners. I start scrubbing the day’s practice off of me. My friend, Dallas Kent, steps up to the shower next to me. “So what did Coach want?”

I sigh. “My fucking grades suck in Geometry and English. If I don’t do something about them, he’s gonna have to bench me. So I have to get a tutor.”

He barks out a laugh. “Man, that sucks. But hey, you could find some little hottie and get her to do it for you. A little tutoring with some extra fun on the side, if you get what I mean.”

I shake my head. “Yeah, I get it. But Coach is making Prescott find my tutor so he knows I’m not scamming the system.”

Dallas turns to me. “Dude, that’s fucking harsh.”

I put my hand up and turn the other direction. “Dude, don’t fucking point your junk at me.” I take that second to look around and all of the other spaces are empty. “Why did you have to get in the shower right next to me when all the others are open?”

He shrugs. “I wanted to talk to you.”

I finish rinsing off and grab my towel. “It couldn’t wait?”

He laughs. “Man,

I just wanted to get close to you all soapy, wet and naked. It’s my dream, you know.” I flip him off as I go back out into the dressing room.

Prescott is finishing getting dressed. Slamming his locker, he looks up at me. “Get up with me in the a.m. I think I know someone, I just gotta see how persuasive I can be. You have Ag first thing, right?”

I nod, grinning. “Thanks, man. I hate you’re stuck doing this.” I wonder who he has to be persuasive to.

He shrugs. “No big deal. Just make me a promise that if I help you with this, you bust your ass to get us to State. I want that once before I graduate. The guy taking the snaps the past three years was a total d-bag. I know when I leave here I’m going into the family business. I want that one moment, okay?” He holds his fist out for me to bump.

“Okay, man. You got it. I’ll bust my ass,” I say, tipping my head before I dry off quickly and snatch my clothes on.