Stepping out of the locker room, I see the group of girls we refer to here as the “Queen Bs” leaning against the wall. Two girls in the tenth grade with me, Ciara Mitchell, Head B., and Karmen Pope, B. #2, and their new recruit, Karmen’s little sister Addison Pope, freshman. I’ve gone to school with these girls all of my life. In the small town of Everly, Alabama, you pretty much know everyone. We have two schools, an elementary and a high school. I know you’re saying where’s the middle school? The answer is right here at the high school, a yellow line painted on the sidewalks divides middle school and high school. The only reason they didn’t move me up to Varsity last year was because my dad felt like it was smarter for me to develop my skills with the guys who would be with me for the next three years than to move up to a group that was mostly graduating. We’re a pretty young team. Prescott is the only senior and Booker Daffin is the only junior. The rest of us are sophomores, that’s the reason Coach is right, I gotta step up and be a leader. Ciara flashes me a smile and starts walking toward me. Her boobs bounce as she walks, sucking on a lollipop.

“So Collin, I pulled your name to be my football buddy.” She touches my shoulder and leans in, where I have a clear shot down her shirt revealing a hot pink lacey bra as she licks and sucks on that damn sucker. “So I was just wondering, what kind of candy do you like?” Fuck, I’m starting to get hard right here in the damn hallway. It’s not like I don’t know how to act around girls. Hell, it’s not like I’m even a virgin, I got blown this morning before first period, but her perfume, that mouth and those titties do something to my dick. I’m a red-blooded American male, so sue me.

I give her a grin. “I pretty much like anything sweet.”

“Hmm. How about cupcakes? Do you like icing?” she says, licking her bottom lip.

I nod, shoving my free hand in my pocket, hoping to pull my jeans forward a little and give me some relief. “Yep.”

She reaches up, touching my cheek. “All right then, I’ll make sure your goodie bag is ready in the morning,” she breathes before sauntering off.

Dayum. This is the life.



Sitting at our dining room table is never really a great occasion. My mom is pissed because James is late coming in from football practice, dad is “late” coming home from the hardware store we own again (code for at the local bar getting drunk), and my little sister, Janae, has taken it upon herself to dye her almost black hair stripper blonde. So my mom is pissed because not only has she worked a ten hour day managing one of the busiest medical offices in town, now no one is here to eat the meal she stopped off and got. Well, my sister is here, but she sent her to her room and I mean I’m here, but I’m always here. I try to keep all the levels even in this house. I take a bite of the piece of chicken on my plate. “Thanks, Mom. This is really good.”

She tries to smile at me. “Thanks, sweetie. How was band practice today? You guys gonna be ready for the first half-time show?”

I nod. “Great. It was hot, but I think we’ll do awesome.” How could I tell her that my practice is later tonight? She doesn’t even know that I go and come on Monday nights. I can’t complain that my back is killing me from toting the large instrument and my arms are about to fall off from the endless cadence and drumline drills during class today. She asked me to pick a more feminine instrument if I was determined to be in the band when I started in the sixth grade, but I love the drums.

“Well that’s good, sweetie,” she says, biting a piece of the biscuit.

There’s an awkward silence between us. It’s no secret in this house that I’m the odd man out. I’m somewhat of a geek, I play in the band and I tend to like being by myself. The weird part is that gives me an edge. I have a secret life that no one in my family or small town know about. Well, my friend Clementine knows, but she’s the only one.

My brother follows in the steps of my father. The only difference - my father was a great football player. My brother is an above average football player. But the rest is the same, a different girl every weekend and average grades. Yeah, the well isn’t very deep there.

My sister follows in the patterns of my mom. The girl that pushes her parent’s boundaries, is a decent student and a cheerleader. Although she’s still in middle school, I see her life going a lot like my mom’s. Find a guy in this small town, get a two year degree from the junior college and raise kids while he slowly resents the life she’s thrust upon him, and while she secretly hates him.

The sound of the door from the garage opening pulls me from my miserable thoughts. James comes jogging in, freshly showered. “Hey, Mom! Sorry, I had to stay after with Coach and talk to a player.”

She smiles at him with all the pride in her face. “It’s okay, sweetheart. You’re the captain, you have a job to do. Come on, you’ve got to be starving. I’ll fix you a plate.” Yep, he’s gotta job to do. There’s your atta boy.

James parks himself in one of the ladder-back chairs at the rustic farm table in our small dining room. She hands him a plate that’s over filled. “Thanks, Mom!” he says, smiling with way too many teeth.

I look down at my plate which I fixed. I should forget seconds, I guess.

James laughs. “Mom, this is way too much food.”

“Baby, you’re burning tons of calories playing football. You need to eat.” She motions to his plate.

“Did you leave some for everyone else?” he asks with a small laugh.

She sighs. “Whenever your father shows up, there’s some left for him. Janae will bitch about anything I do anyway so she can fix something for herself.”

Mom gets up from the table and goes to the other room. James looks at me with a questioning glance. I speak softly, “Janae came home with stripper blonde hair. Mom is not happy. Dad’s down at the bar…nuff said.”

“Oh wow, Janae is an idiot.” He snorts as he starts shoveling food in his mouth. I’m not even positive that he’s chewing. It’s kinda gross. My brother might be a little more spoiled than me, but he’s still my big brother. “Oh,” he says, smiling at me with a mouth full. “I need a favor.”

I sigh, sitting back in my chair. “What now?” Everyone fucking owes me one. I’m not the one who ever needs favors. My brother and his damn charming smile. He has this Zac Efron look about him that generally gets him whatever he wants.

“Okay, the reason I was late coming home today was because of Collin Atwood,” he says quietly.

I whisper back. “What, do you need me to keep it a secret that you’re gay or something? Pass him a note during study hall? Help you break the news to Dad?”

He rolls his dark green eyes. “He needs a tutor in English and Geometry. I was tasked with finding him someone who would help him, not do it for him. You’re one of the smartest people I know, so you can teach him. I just know it. Also, someone who won’t be…a distraction,” he says matter of fact like. “Come on, sis, you’d be doing me a solid. I’ll owe you one.”